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Hi All,


So I posted a thread the other week about a new layout I was going to build and came up with a few new ideas and jotted down a quick paint sketch. Anyway, this is just the lower level with 2 main tracks and a trolley loop. The upper level will be a little different and shaped like a triangle.


Let me know your thoughts, I'm going to use plain old tubular rail 042 and 031 curves, nothing fancy and if I can squeeze in a small yard some where I will.








Images (1)
  • Untitled: Layout idea
Original Post

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Please take a look at the picture and fill in the missing lengths where there are questions marks. I am going to assume the red box is a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood and will work off of those dimensions unless I am told otherwise.


Where do you plan to put the upper level? This is important as it can alter the track plan of the lower layout. What will be the function of the upper level? You might want to think about a shelf type upper level versus a large triangle.



This is a larger size layout and you will have no problem adding spurs, passing sidings and yards. I can see a large passenger station where passengers debark a train and then are whisked away to their homes on the trolley line.


What purpose does the layout serve (e.g. permanent, temporary, for you, for guests?) Are you modeling something specific? What accessories do you plan to include? Will this be a classic, modern or mixed type of layout?


With that long trolley line, you have the oppurtunity to spice it up with automated trolley stops.


Images (1)
  • samlayout



I drew out the layout per the dimensions you gave and with the assumption that the lower left leg's dimension of 4' x 8'. Here is what the layout would look like. The first picture shows a trolley line without a loop. The second picture shows why. The loops of the trolley line will require more space to be accommodated.





Images (2)
  • Sam1
  • samtrolley
Hi Stewart,
Thanks for the help, attached is the same design with the new lengths.
The trolley loop is becoming a bigger pain then I thought. I have a nice Pride Lines tinplate trolley for the layout but it doesn't have reverse so I created the loops at each end, this seems to be a problem making it fir. I might have to leave off the trolley.
Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:



Please take a look at the picture and fill in the missing lengths where there are questions marks. I am going to assume the red box is a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood and will work off of those dimensions unless I am told otherwise.


Where do you plan to put the upper level? This is important as it can alter the track plan of the lower layout. What will be the function of the upper level? You might want to think about a shelf type upper level versus a large triangle.



This is a larger size layout and you will have no problem adding spurs, passing sidings and yards. I can see a large passenger station where passengers debark a train and then are whisked away to their homes on the trolley line.


What purpose does the layout serve (e.g. permanent, temporary, for you, for guests?) Are you modeling something specific? What accessories do you plan to include? Will this be a classic, modern or mixed type of layout?


With that long trolley line, you have the oppurtunity to spice it up with automated trolley stops.




Images (1)
  • Update: New layout with dimesions
Originally Posted by samdjr74:
The trolley loop is becoming a bigger pain then I thought. I have a nice Pride Lines tinplate trolley for the layout but it doesn't have reverse so I created the loops at each end, this seems to be a problem making it fir. I might have to leave off the trolley.




Adding an electronic e-unit to the trolley would help keep the trolley line. I'll look further into this particular trolley.


Here's another look at the layout with a different configuration.




Images (1)
  • doodle1
Thanks Stewart for the help, actually it's 14' in total so the 3 1/2 should be be 4'
Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:



I found a small error. Look at the picture as one of the areas marked with a ? needs to be shortened by 6".




*Don't worry about the scarm file, it's added so I can download it at work.


Another idea for Sam, using the baseboard done by Stewart. The loop-to-loop circuits provide some "random-routing" with a minimum of switches. Curves are all O31 and O42. The plan shows slight gaps in the reverse loops but the conventional track is flexible enough to close those up easily. 




Kunde has a fine layout; it would be interesting to see more of it in a separate post.


Images (1)
  • samoriginal-12b
Files (1)
Last edited by Ace

Thanks Ace, very nice


Stewart, I forgot to answer most of your questions, sorry. This will be a permanent layout and I plan to run my freight on the bottom and passengers on the upper level. As you mention it will be a shelf type upper level with the main section running on the side of the layout on the 10' section parallel to the stairs then I will add the rest of the triangle as girders with small foot prints made of aluminum or steel.





Images (1)
  • Update: with upper level off set



Here are a couple more renditions. This time, I added 2 reverse loops on the inner mainline and connected the inner mainline to the outer mainline. This will allow you to turn trains. These reverse loops can be moved to a couple of more positions. The trolley line uses two crossovers to keep you on your toes.  In the second picture, I added the upper triangle. Let me know what you think.






Images (2)
  • samtr
  • samtrtri
That's great Stewart, thanks! I started to lay the track down on the floor to get some visual perspectives and I like what I'm seeing so far. It's going to be very similar to your first rendering. Thanks again for all the input.
  Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:



Here are a couple more renditions. This time, I added 2 reverse loops on the inner mainline and connected the inner mainline to the outer mainline. This will allow you to turn trains. These reverse loops can be moved to a couple of more positions. The trolley line uses two crossovers to keep you on your toes.  In the second picture, I added the upper triangle. Let me know what you think.






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