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I am laying out my train layout because my original one is impossible to do work to. I build a wall to wall 10x5 and its a pain to do anything. I am looking to do a around the wall 10x8 layout. I did a quick layout on railmodeler this afternoon but I wanted some ideas. Keep in mind I have 6 o36 switches to still use 4rh and 2lh. I want to have some industry sidings and a rail shop. I am open to all ideas.

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A few questions/comments... 

-Where are the door(s) and windows? 

-Relative to the table space, your open area is huge.  You should be able to go ~4ft deep against the walls and still be able to access the layout.  Looks like you're only 2 ft deep in some spots.

- 3 simple ovals could get boring real quick.  Utilize more table surface and/or pennisulas to allow for varied track layouts (loops, curves, etc)

The area I am working with is 10'8" wide wall to wall. And 8' deep. My current layout is 5x10'8". I cannot access any of my layout unless I pull the table out. That's what I was only going 2' off the walls so I can maneuver around. Kind of how the railroad clubs do it with there mobile layouts that they bring to the train shows

I am going to disagree with the poster who said you can have a table 4 feet deep.  Working on that last foot will be a royal pain faster than you know.  Also, how will you enter the space?  Crawling 4 feet is for kids only. 

As far as the space in the middle, what is your intention.  If the layout is for your pleasure only, it can be smaller or rearranged.  If you plan on having guests over and you make it smaller you had better be very fond of them.

necrails... this is dead basement space, wall to wall 10'8'' and I got a few extra feet to work with which is 8 feet. I dont mind sliding under the table because I am young. Possibly in the future i may add some sort of a removable section. This layout is for my pleasure. I want mainline action with industrial sidings for swithing action. 

You could also move the bottom and Left side siding switches around the corner CCW to get longer sidings if needed. This would require the Rt side siding to be spaced or angled to allow the switch from the bottom to reside there.


Biggest question: How are you getting into the center?

I recommend a lift, drop or bridge section. Crawling under gets old fast.

It's my personal preference, but I don't like the kind of layouts where you go around and around in one direction. Even the most interesting kind of switching layout could get old quickly. But that's just me.


If I were to build something in this space I would try to utilize the center of the room for some kind of peninsula where I could create a reversing loop and there should still be enough room for isles that would allow access to everything.

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