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New MTH Website Going Live This Week

February 5, 2025 - M.T.H. Electric Trains will be unveiling a new website this week authored on a modern content management system that will improve product searches and feature an updated and cleaner interface. Visitors will still find all the assets from the old site including digital operating manual PDFs, Proto-Sound 2.0 and 3.0 sound file links, videos, old catalog archives and much, much more. One of the newest features are direct links for each item's parts at the M.T.H. Parts and Sales website.

Last edited by Allan Miller
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The new site is really fantastic! When you have time to poke around, click into a locomotive (any locomotive) and click the "Support" tab half down the page. The "Part List" and "Exploded View" links work AMAZINGLY WELL! They take you to MTH Parts & Sales and display all the parts for any given product. The best part is it no longer takes you to the old outdated system which led you down a rabbit hole!

We are really excited to see the new MTH Trains site go live! Many more GREAT things to come!

Congrats Rich, Bradley & the gang!

This is good news from both the perspective of having the benefits of a modern website but also from the perspective of providing additional evidence that MTH is not going away, given the confusion caused by the events in 2020.  

Perhaps we will see some new tooling at some point?  Would have the same dual benefit, in terms of product interest and assurance about the state of the company.

The new site is really fantastic! When you have time to poke around, click into a locomotive (any locomotive) and click the "Support" tab half down the page. The "Part List" and "Exploded View" links work AMAZINGLY WELL! They take you to MTH Parts & Sales and display all the parts for any given product. The best part is it no longer takes you to the old outdated system which led you down a rabbit hole!

We are really excited to see the new MTH Trains site go live! Many more GREAT things to come!

Congrats Rich, Bradley & the gang!

It would be helpful if the DCS sound file sample audio (.mp3) for the particular engine was again included here on the new Support page as it was on the old site.  It was quite helpful to click/listen to find PFA sounds files for the right named train or stations one wanted to download.  The zip DCS file is included on the new Support page, but it is/will be inefficient to search by download when you know that the sound file sample can be offered. 

@ekaz posted:

I miss:

1. Where it was noted which catalog the item was in.

2. The support feature where the sound of each engine could be heard

3. Ease of finding which dealers have a particular product. Perhaps this is available, but I couldn't seem to find it.

There's also no link to the product manual for the locomotive!

WHERE'S THE MANUAL???  I may not need a parts list...


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@bluelinec4 posted:

The MTH Website was already light years ahead of its competitors  Now its even more awesome

I hear ya, but ...

  1. Part one of your statement already overexaggerated things substantially.  It was definitely better, but not by leaps and bounds.
  2. Next, with so many important things having been removed between the old and the new, part two is clearly not the case either.  This new site isn't awesome.  Other than being faster, which is important, it's actually a disappointment.


This new site isn't awesome.  Other than being faster, which is important, it's actually a disappointment.

Not many share this sentiment, the overall impressions that I getting here from almost everyone else is that the new site is well received. Why are you so disappointed and what would you change.

Lets run a survey on it:

Last edited by H1000
@H1000 posted:

Not many share this sentiment, the overall impressions that I getting here from almost everyone else is that the new site is well received. Why are you so disappointed and what would you change.

Lets run a survey on it:

They just haven't actually used it and tried to extract useful information yet.

I hear ya, but ...

  1. Part one of your statement already overexaggerated things substantially.  It was definitely better, but not by leaps and bounds.
  2. Next, with so many important things having been removed between the old and the new, part two is clearly not the case either.  This new site isn't awesome.  Other than being faster, which is important, it's actually a disappointment.


Mike   Your kidding right

Part one of my statement  Try searching on Atlas or Lionel for anything from 1995-2003   Try searching by just typing the item number   You dont know the item number search by the road number  My hint is you cant   MTH had the most robust website hands down  Search by Railroad  Search by description   Have fun on the other two because you cant do it

Part 2 of my statement  Its way faster  Better search engine  Listen to sound files and oh yeah  click on support and go right to parts diagrams   Light years ahead of the other two   Even the Old K-Line site was better than Lionel and Atlas

@bluelinec4 posted:

Part 2 of my statement  Its way faster  Better search engine  Listen to sound files and oh yeah  click on support and go right to parts diagrams   Light years ahead of the other two   Even the Old K-Line site was better than Lionel and Atlas

I like the fact that they're actually paying attention to the website, but removing the sound/chain files, User's Manuals, and misc data like catalog and year of release seems like big steps backwards.

Yes, it's a lot faster, but why at the expense of significant content?

Edit:  They must have heard me, I see there are some manuals showing up!

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

I like it for the most part.  I found some older items listed that I was unaware were produced.  However, the list of engines is not complete, I have quite a few myself that are not listed on the search.  At one time I could find every item that was produced, now many older ones are not there.  Is there a complete list of everything MTH has produced anywhere?

@Donf posted:

I like it for the most part.  I found some older items listed that I was unaware were produced.  However, the list of engines is not complete, I have quite a few myself that are not listed on the search.  At one time I could find every item that was produced, now many older ones are not there.  Is there a complete list of everything MTH has produced anywhere?

@Donf - The only thing that I can think of is maybe try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. I just took a look and found a Jan 6, 2025 version and when I clicked on "Product Locator", it took me to their search engine - still on the old website. I don't know if you search what results you might get.

I think it is very refreshing that a company takes pride, not only in the future /present, but the past. To be able to find parts and actually have them in stock is quite amazing in today’s world. A perfect example is I have a Mike’s diner that the main control board has failed . If this was another company, I would be told the part is no longer available. But with MTH not only is the part available but both Versions. Amazing!

I always published the primary functions of a website first. One with no bugs. Let people get used to that. This way you ensure a good rollout.

Then solicit feedback, people always use it in ways you never considered. Finally prioritize the new ideas and remaining secondary functions and build out the rest over time.  

That strategy appears to be in play with the new MTH site.

MTH,  Can we get Road numbers put with the engines?  Lots of repairs come in without box.  Seems like some of the diesels get a generic photo used for a road name and hence multiple models with same picture.

For example a premier CSX #4557 SD70AC?  What model.  Even google search did not show it.  G

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