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Dear List,

     John Frantz of Mount Vernon Shops has produced his first set of O scale decals- PRR Cabin cars-all classes. At $5.00 per set, this a quite a bargain for a very accurate artwork. John is very well known amongst HO/N PRR modelers for his fine decals for all classes of PRR equipment. Buzz Burnley and I had a extensive talk with John about expanding his decal production at the 2012 PRRT&HS convention to include O scale and I can assure you additional decal sets if the sales of the cabin cars is a success. You can order thru Perhaps you can also let John know of your interest in other PRR equipment you may want him to produce. Please remember, the sales of his first O scale venture will dictate future O scale decal sets. Regards, John P.Dunn Sr. CVMRR member 

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