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NEW RMT item available...


O Gauge TTX-style DEPRESSED FLATCAR is a new general release (2014) for RMT. Available in 4 different roadNUMBERS. Each car comes with 2 loads...a removable BEEP® diesel bodyshell load that can be removed and used on any BEEP® diesel locomotive that you may own and a removable crate-style load.

...Diecast trucks with airhose detail
...Metal wheels
...Operating metal couplers
...Includes a BEEPeople® standing figure
...Removable BEEP® diesel bodyshell (various roadnames-our choice)
...Removable crate-style load
...Prototypical TTX painting with special RMTX lettering
...Nostalgic original-style RMT box

Quantities are limited 


2010 CC-1

96699-033 photo w load 50

RMT color 2014 logo only 50



Order online at RMT-DIRECT for special pricing...











Images (4)
  • 2010 CC-1
  • 96699-033 photo w load 50
  • RMT color 2014 logo only 50
  • credit_card_logos_16
Original Post

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I received the two I ordered today.  Whatever bearings they have they roll very well and seem low friction.  They are a bit more detailed than I was expecting: here is one of them with one of the RMT depressed center flat missile cars I bought some time back.  I was expecting these TTX cars to be just longer versions of those, which more like the train cars I played with as a kid, but the TTX are a tiny bit wider (scale 4 to 6 inches is all) as well as much longer, and much more detailed.  Quite nice.  





Images (2)
  • DSCN7352
  • DSCN7353

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