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I've been cleaning, lubricating and replacing traction tires on a bunch of my engines. I have a ATSF 4-6-0 30-1425 Steam Engine that responds to DCS startup, whistle, bell etc, but simply does not move in forward or reverse. Before I take it apart, I wondered if there are an specific things to look for. I have carefully checked the wheels, driving rods and don't see anything binding there.

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I tried moving, hooking up and jiggling the tether. No effect, but the engine is connected to the tender via tether, because when it is unhooked, the light on the engine goes out.

I checked the connectors, the four wire appears to connect to the smoke unit. All seem OK. Also, the motor/flywheel move freely, and when turned, move the driving wheels, so I don't think there is any binding going on.

Tried attaching a link to pictures.

In your photos there are 2-wires (white and yellow) coming from the motor. These 2 wires should go to the last 2 positions of a 10-position tether connector (green connection plate) near the back of the boiler. Then a tether cable goes to the tender. The 2 motor wires re-appear in the tender and go to the 5-position motor connector on the PS2 electronics board. Only 2 of the 5 positions will be occupied. The voltage which drives the motor comes from this connector. My suggestion is to see if this motor drive voltage is present back in the tender - obviously you'll have to open up the tender but I believe it's generally easier to disassemble a tender than a boiler.
Last night, I had an engine that would not move, but DCS would indicate that the speed is increasing. Rail King 5V SW-9 diesel. (I do not use speed mode).

I had just disassembled it for cleaning, so I popped the shell off, and dropped the bare frame on the track and it worked. Reassembled, and it worked. Best guess is something was blocking the tach reader? There were no pinched wires or anything like that. I never got to the point of doing engine factory resets or anything. All I did was power down the track a few times.

Anyhow, is your DCS reading increased speed even though there is no movement?

Hi...been out of town.
Yes...I did the same thing, took the shell off and put the bare engine on the track. It responds to bell/whistle, and when speed is increased on the remote it shows increased speed in response to the thumbwheel, but the engine does not move and the motor does not turn. I will check the tach reader, but I don't think its rubbing on the motor.

If you have a DC transformer, you can disconnect the motor leads from the PS-2 board. Apply the dc power to the motor terminals and see if the motor turns? If it does, the motor is most likely fine. If you have a VM with a current setting, I put that in series with one of the wires to the motor and read the amperage on the motor during the test. G
I bought a voltmeter. Started up the engine with DCS, horn, sounds, smoke all worked fine. Voltmeter registered minimal/no voltage when measured at the two wires connected to the motor with speed set to 0. When speed was increased, volts to motor increased up to 18. Tried the same after reversing direction, same measurements. Does this mean the motor is bad? Is this something that can be ordered from MTH?

Sounds like a failed internal electrical connection in the motor. You should be able to get a replacement motor from MTH - apparently one does better by calling rather than emailing.

I don't have any steamers with your exact motor configuration but it should be as simple as removing the 3 black screws on the horizontal plate at the bottom of the motor in your photo. The plate and motor lift out together and expose the gearbox. Then two screws under the plate hold the motor to the round black frame.
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