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I had a couple of PS-2 engines about 10 years old that lost the sounds when running.  I thought at first it might be the battery going, so took the top off of both.  To my surprise, I found a BCR in one engine and a BCR 2 in the other.  This is strange, thought more than likely not a BCR problem where ironically they both went bad at the same time.  Called the number on the BCRs and talked with Wayne.  Very nice fellow and most helpful.  After the conversation went back to the layout and noticed the 2 engines moved well (didn't get stuck in neutral) just NO SOUNDS.  On the DCS remote went in MENU, SOUND, then, accent sounds and the other one above it (sorry, don't have the remote in front of me).  I saw where the volume level on each was "0" zero.  So, upped it to a higher number and BINGO:  SOUNDS IN PARADISE!!!  

So, the morrow of my little tale here is it may not be the battery when you first think it is.


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