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"still can't find anything.  HELP"

I received the message fragment shown above.  I am not sure what it actually means by "still." Did you ask this question earlier?

We can possibly help if you give us a bit more info.  Dimensions of the room, dimensions for the table, type of track, scale, hi-rail, toy, accessories/non, industries, operating concept, circular/point-to-point, switching, freight/passenger/both, etc.

Usually listing the availble room space, obsticles, what you have already, and a wish list will help inspire some custom ideas.

L shape is just the barest of beginnings.

  Starting your own plans and asking for others tweaks and ideas shows you will put in a good effort on a custom design too.

  Some who love to design here do grow weary of designs never pursued after they spend many hours working on them; show you care!

It is a slow time of year too. I doubt responses are ever thinner than in June & July.

  Im not able to run any software to even kick start you, but SCARM is my suggestion if you run windows. Free, and the author lurks around the forum. Search for "Scarm help" threads here and/or go to the site and download carefully (not from the google contolled clickbait ad window in the center)

That is only one software option fyi. They can be a lot of fun too!

Here's two of my layouts (tinplate),  one was around an L in the wall, the second sits into a corner space. Where I needed to put these against walls, I had to make sure all turnouts are within reach. Next up will be painting the walls and adding some background.

If there's something specific you're looking to accomplish, let me know, I've got tons of variations made before I settled on either of these. 





photos/videos from both


Images (6)
  • pre_6k
  • 18X13_FNL
  • DSC_0007
  • Congressional_0
  • 1710_0
  • pre_6k
Last edited by Timothy Sprague
Timothy Sprague posted:

Here's two of my layouts (tinplate),  one was around an L in the wall, the second sits into a corner space. Where I needed to put these against walls, I had to make sure all turnouts are within reach. Next up will be painting the walls and adding some background.

If there's something specific you're looking to accomplish, let me know, I've got tons of variations made before I settled on either of these. 



I like these layouts.  I'm currently trying to figure out some type of L-shape layout.  I like your separate outside loop.  I could use something like that for a fast passenger line.  I could use the complex inner line for freight operations.  I'm going to use FasTrack, so it's going to be pretty tight.  I also want to figure out a way to incorporate a trolley line, and maybe a mining train, though I'd use O27 tubular track for that.  Not really into modeling.  I just want to run trains.

JeffPo posted:e, with a 42" outer
Timothy Sprague posted:

Here's two of my layouts (tinplate),  one was around an L in the wall, the second sits into a corner space. Where I needed to put these against walls, I had to make sure all turnouts are within reach. Next up will be painting the walls and adding some background.

If there's something specific you're looking to accomplish, let me know, I've got tons of variations made before I settled on either of these. 



I like these layouts.  I'm currently trying to figure out some type of L-shape layout.  I like your separate outside loop.  I could use something like that for a fast passenger line.  I could use the complex inner line for freight operations.  I'm going to use FasTrack, so it's going to be pretty tight.  I also want to figure out a way to incorporate a trolley line, and maybe a mining train, though I'd use O27 tubular track for that.  Not really into modeling.  I just want to run trains.

Here's what the latest layout will look like when I ad my "Highline" to it. 
If you're using fasttrack the table will need to be a little wider. I'm using tinplate with a 42" outer. I'd say to be safe you should make the table 54" to 60" wide.




Images (1)
  • 18X13_higjhline
Timothy Sprague posted:

Here's what the latest layout will look like when I ad my "Highline" to it. 
If you're using fasttrack the table will need to be a little wider. I'm using tinplate with a 42" outer. I'd say to be safe you should make the table 54" to 60" wide.


That looks pretty neat.  I figure my trolley or mining train will have to be elevated.  And yeah, I'm planning on a 5ft table width.  The long arm of my L-shape will be 5ft x 16ft.  Don't have as much room for my short arm because not only is the room shorter in that direction, there's also a door to a little paint studio for my wife in the way.   Apparently she wants the door to open more than just a foot for her to squeeze through.     We're still fighting that battle.  I'm going to start work on the long arm soon, then see how far I can go with the short arm.  I just need to get some trains running!

Here is what I am building. I want something kid friendly (hence the three main lines). But I also want to be able to have a small yard. There are two access points near the 90 degree crossover. This was designed on AnyRail with Gargraves flex track and Ross switches. It's 11' x 11' with that lower right approximate 5'x5' section taken out. There are two O54/O31 turnouts as part of it. I'm hoping that since it opens up after the O31's that I will not have issue running a steam engine with O42 requirements.

Time will tell.



Images (1)
  • Basement2Gargraves3_Turnout6_3rdLineSmall3
Last edited by Badge109
GRP posted:

still can't find anything.  HELP 

6 on this page - Atlas O Layout gallery

4 here - Classic large O layouts

Attached are some forum members track plans -oops I see Tim Sprague added his - nice plan to work with

Take elements, mix, adjust to fit your space

The Atlas O jersey Central O-18 provides a lot of fun

Another base to start with is two ovals crossed at the elbow and joined in the corner.


Images (4)
  • jmiller320
  • Kringle25 v1
  • Tim_Sprague_18X13_FNL
  • Marx333 new 10.24.15 v.7  track plan

Why don't we work backwards - tell us how wide you can have the tables and which accessories you have or want to incorporate.

Then, we can come up with two mains and the specific tracks to work them into the layout.

here is forum member Dan Padova's design for a 5' x 10'. He had the table size and the accessories that wanted on it (lots of them). refined his design with collaboration from forum members.


Images (2)
  • Dan_Padova_RRT_3D_03.27.17
  • Dan_Padova_RRT_3D_03.28.17_Moved_Lumber


I know from you other post that you specified 16' x 10', but how wide? 5' should be the smallest. It would permit O54 and O42.

You looked at many options for track plans, but the Thor trains large O examples have no accommodations for accessories and require train detection and anti-collision prevention to operate two trains simultaneously.

Dan's is a single train with lots of action and accessories with space for all of them. The Lionel 456 Coal ramp and 397 coal loader had to be relocated for proper space and operation.

Ken, myself and few others can create a plan for you with an inventory detail and annotated plan for assembly.

Answer these:

  1. Is a 5' wide table ok?
  2. Will you walk around the L or will there be sides along a wall?
  3. Which track do you want to use?
  4. Do you want any rises or an all elevated line?
  5. Which accessories do you want to put on it? (Name like Marx or Noma station) or number like Lionel 364 or AF 796

it's important that you submit a Givens and Druthers list as detailed as possible. Given is a must have or a physical limitation, Druther is a "like to" have

We don't mind taking the time to create a layout plan, but keeping the time to minimum is necessary.

Dan started with the first attached photo and we arrived at the second attached photo. Any ideas you can put on paper and post a photo of are also helpful.



Images (2)
  • IMG_4915 03.27.17
  • Dan_Padova_RRT_03.28.17_Moved_Lumber

One more - here is an updated 1957 catalog layout with Fastrack.   The outer route is now O-45 minimum, and grades are reduced to 4% maximum.   The left hand side table is 2" higher than the right to ease the grades and for more scenic interest.  The overall dimensions are 9X14.   I replaced the curved elevated trestle over the yard with Atlas-O O-45 diameter which will look better as a trestle.



Images (1)
  • M914LF-1957cat-V2e
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

I haven't worked on my layout much in the last two years but I know that I'm going to have to use O27 track on the inside rather than the O gauge I show in that video. The inside and outside tracks run too close and cars hit each other.

I don't use track software because I get frustrated with it. I just lay down track on the table and cut to fit. Sorry, guys, but I 'm not a real model railroader; I build to entertain my grandchildren.

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