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IMG_2704The only real mods I made while building were:   At the interior yard, I turned it from 4 long tracks to 2 long and 2 short to allow myself room for a road and a few buildings/train station.   And, the outside years is now 3 tracks for parking.   Basically it is 2 main lines, with each making 2 circles.   Then you add a couple parking areas and done.  Not as inventive or advanced as some folks, but I like it.   My lift up walkway came out great and has functioned reliably for 2 years now.   The lift up is basically at 0 elevation and the circles deviate from that point.   Hope this helps or inspires you.


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Last edited by 42trainman
@ogaugenut posted:

It would help if you told us a little more.  What is the location of doors and windows?  Can the layout run across the door?  Do you want to crawl under the track to enter the room (duck under).  Do you want a removable section of track at the door?  What do you mean by twice around the room?

I don't mind having a duck-under, but I'd prefer having a lift-out section for easier access. This is sort of a brainstorming exercise for me so doors/windows are negligible at this point.

@ogauge1217 posted:

I don't mind having a duck-under, but I'd prefer having a lift-out section for easier access. This is sort of a brainstorming exercise for me so doors/windows are negligible at this point.

Consider a lift bridge, you may have problems with manual operation someday when you get older.   This is the Mianne power lift-bridge, it's 4' x 4'.


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@ogauge1217 posted:

Curious to see if there is a way to create an interesting twice around, around the room, double track layout with O72 minimum curves. I am a bit stumped. Room is 20 x 20.

I find myself hung up on the word "interesting". I think we might all have a different idea of what is interesting. For good operation we need sidings, spurs, and a yard area. But for me, I am fascinated watching long trains snaking through a properly designed "S" curve. I have my double track "S" curve set up with O84 on the inside track, O96 on the outside track, and a minimum of 15" of straight track in the center of the "S".


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