Traindame aka Dorcie
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stared intently at smoke from a passing loco - definitely....
Stuck my tongue out as if to lick it as it went past - not that I can recall....but I was 7 yrs old once so who knows, maybe I did..
There's something about being a kid and looking at trains at eye level.
Here's me in December 1958. Look at frame 2:50.
There's something about being a kid and looking at trains at eye level.
Here's me in December 1958. Look at frame 2:50.
Amazing video...thanks for sharing! Brought back a ton of memories for sure
I can honestly say that I cannot remember ever trying to lick my trains, but my seat at my control panel is set up so that I can watch the trains at eye level.
That was great Peter. And no, I never licked my trains.
No.. but, as a little kid, I'd lay on the floor with my head on the track to watch my Scout set come right at me and raise up at the last second (like so many other kids, young and old, I'm sure). I've never recalled that until just this moment. Thank you, Dame!
How cute that was! But now more than ever I realize I need to get transform my carpet central to benchwork. High enough to appreciate the view of an oncoming freight or passenger train.
Well ,at his age, I guess it could be cute?
My dad had a couple simple rules that never got broken, and don't touch was up on the list.
I wouldn't pass up the chance to get eye level with that train myself to this day. I still would not touch it unless it jumped the tracks and hit me in the face!
I still do it, and I will continue to do it as long as I can.
Not only did I do this, I did it watching a standard gage Banker's Special with my cheek on the track. Yep, it smacked me right in the mouth!
I've never licked them, but they sure do smell great! ...and I still look at them eye level.
Getting down to eye level to watch a model train go by. Been there done that.
But licking? That only leads to more dangerous stuff.
Encourage the licking of ice cream cones and lollipops and other things approved by the FDA.
I still do it, and I will continue to do it as long as I can.
Still what... lick your trains???
Well... ain't that special!
There's something about being a kid and looking at trains at eye level.
Here's me in December 1958. Look at frame 2:50.
Just a heads-up guys. I've seen that 1958 train. Peter still has it and it still looks and runs great! Thank you for sharing your Christmas memories.
And no, I've never licked a train. Closest I can come to is "tongue testing" 9V batteries!
Putnam Division,
Your film clip brought back a lot of good old memories.
did not look at the second picture long enough to see the kid trying to lick the train. I still get eye level when it rolls by. it takes me back to my childhood when I was 4 or 5 watching a long EL freight train roll through east stroudsburg between 1973-1974.
Not me. I'd never do that.
When I was a kid, yes. Now, I do something similar except now it's looking at how people put their buildings and structures together.
Peter, nice video. At Christmas I was always like, socks, yeah OK... shirt, yeah, whatever... sweater, real nice... Awright!!! Lionel box for sure!!! I like that hook and ladder fire truck, always wanted to have my own fire department with high-end vehicles like that but never got 'em.
Yes as a kid in the 50's I did think of licking my Marx Freight Train Set. However,
I had a Uncle who's family owned a Ice Cream Factory. Never felt it was necessary
with all that Ice Cream. Fun topic.
Many thanks,
Billy C
Putnam, I like how many times your sister changes here that starts early with women{my wife and daughter are the same way}...what I like even better is how the train keeps getting bigger{more cars} as the video goes on....from floor to a table, then even more trackage and such.
Nice vid...thanks for sharing.
...and no, I have not nor ever will lick my...or my wifes trains!
My daughter does it all the time -
Lucia Hope - 1/29/12 by Christopher & Amy Cate / Eastern Rails Photography, on Flickr
Lucia Hope - 8/10/13 by Christopher & Amy Cate / Eastern Rails Photography, on Flickr
come to think of it, I still do too
Gotten down real close, or practically laid my head down on the track to watch the headlight coming up the line? Oh heck yes!
No Train Dame I've never licked my trains! But what kid of the 50's and 60's hasn't gotten down to eye level just to pull away before getting smacked in the head?
Thanks for posting that vintage video that was a blast from the past. Makes me wonder where my father stuck his Super 8 movies! Bet those trains still run as well!
I once remember putting a WWII tank with a turret on my S gauge track facing down my mighty S gauge locomotive (guess who won that battle?)! Why, the locomotive of course! Those were the days before men walked on the moon, and Superman was in black and white.
I still put my face right up to the trains when they pass and I'm 42. Never have put my tongue on the trains or on the track.
Errrr... No, never licked trains. I don't remember ever expecting them to taste good.
But when I was small, I used to get on the carpet next to the train platform (about eight inches high, I guess), right next to the nearest curve. The train would come down the long straight, then make its sharp 027 turn just before it reached the edge where I was watching.
I was surprised at how much it actually did look like the approaching prototype trains I used to watch down at the station. It taught me early on that seeing model trains at eye level makes a world of difference over seeing them from above.
Im about to log off and assume that position right now. Hopefully I will be able to resist licking the train...Maybe Ill try tasting the grape scented smoke.
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