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Originally Posted by Putnam Division:

There's something about being a kid and looking at trains at eye level.

Here's me in December 1958. Look at frame 2:50.



Just a heads-up guys. I've seen that 1958 train. Peter still has it and it still looks and runs great! Thank you for sharing your Christmas memories.




And no, I've never licked a train. Closest I can come to is "tongue testing" 9V batteries!

Putnam, I like how many times your sister changes here that starts early with women{my wife and daughter are the same way}...what I like even better is how the train keeps getting bigger{more cars} as the video goes on....from floor to a table, then even more trackage and such.

Nice vid...thanks for sharing.




...and no, I have not nor ever will lick my...or my wifes trains!

No Train Dame I've never licked my trains! But what kid of the 50's and 60's hasn't gotten down to eye level just to pull away before getting smacked in the head?


Thanks for posting that vintage video that was a blast from the past. Makes me wonder where my father  stuck his Super 8 movies! Bet those trains still run as well!


I once remember putting a WWII tank with a turret on my S gauge track facing down my mighty S gauge locomotive (guess who won that battle?)! Why, the locomotive of course! Those were the days before men walked on the moon, and Superman was in black and white.

Funny to see this post here. My granddaughter was visiting for the week end. She is 5. I keep I box of animals and people and what not for her under the layout. When she visits she build her own scenes on my layout.

I was driving a consist by where she was working. There was a Hershey car. She asked if it tasted lik chocolate. I said I wasn't sure. Next thing I knew she licked it. Way too funny. FYI she said it did not tase like chocolate. Next time she visits I will have my engines primed with hot chocolate smoke fluid to see if she notices...I'm sure she will.

I love when she visits. This time she got to run my new TMCC crane and boom car. She picked right up on it and loaded some broken trucks into a K-line dump car and then dumped them in our scrap yard.

Errrr... No, never licked trains.  I don't remember ever expecting them to taste good.


But when I was small, I used to get on the carpet next to the train platform (about eight inches high, I guess), right next to the nearest curve.  The train would come down the long straight, then make its sharp 027 turn just before it reached the edge where I was watching.


I was surprised at how much it actually did look like the approaching prototype trains I used to watch down at the station.  It taught me early on that seeing model trains at eye level makes a world of difference over seeing them from above.


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