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A while back I posted in Mark's string that I came up with a name for my layout/railroad thus the title of this string. I also have decided to start posting up dates and progress continues. As this has been a three year plus project so far I am starting at the beginning in February 2017.467C0903-5C46-46C8-BA9A-F781D2292B106E2977AA-7098-4955-A44F-E6C380119916

The beginning:


Progress about a year later:D1F13FD4-3F5E-48D1-9E0E-63B3CEC2E60CF8C32A52-AC31-4B8B-BE7C-6829B39F94A010C22BCF-61C7-4C6E-9B2F-2FFA79E8591B818CFD10-9067-42D8-AC04-5250F74DD1AB07C37989-385E-4B71-9BFF-83D011A8EA6D

About 6 months later:

Where the name came from a friend put this together to send out to a local group that was stopping by.


And finally todays progress a little over three years since we moved in to the new house. Please any and all comments will be Greatly Appreciated.


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Videos (1)
Last edited by RJT
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rick, We started at about the same time.  I first posted in January 2017 for ideas concerning a layout design.  You have done a lot considering you have a much larger room than I do.  Is that desk where you work from home?  If so it is handy to the trains!!    Is that a plan for a roundhouse under some of the tracks off the turntable?  I'm looking forward to seeing it in person someday.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Rick, We started at about the same time.  I first posted in January 2017 for ideas concerning a layout design.  You have done a lot considering you have a much larger room than I do.  Is that desk where you work from home?  If so it is handy to the trains!!    Is that a plan for a roundhouse under some of the tracks off the turntable?  I'm looking forward to seeing it in person someday.

Mark yes the desk is where I work from and the template is a 6 stall Korbor round house that will have a big boy extension. You are always welcome anytime you are up to taking the ride just drop me a line and we can set something up. As far as the design I made a drawing of the table and then just started laying track until I found  something I like. Still making changes going to add another siding since plan a at the TT did not work now have an extra turnout I need to use somewhere somehow. Wanted to limit to two mainlines, last layout had four mainlines and it is to much to keep track off. When we meet in two weeks I will need to pick 10 or 12 sections of Gragraves Phantom Rail Flex Track. Running out of straight track 3 cases so far.

Thanks everyone for your comments greatly appreciated and will try to keep posting updates.

Last edited by RJT

Have not posted on this string in a long tie so it is time to update the progress. A friend scratch built a girder plate(I think) bridge for the layout. After a long time we finally got it installed and he even stenciled the name of my pike on it. Almost got all the wiring done just need to finish the turntable/whisker tracks. He and I ran some trains tonight just to make sure we had no issues with the bridges or track work. Video file was too big will make a shorter one and update this string. We had 4 trains running on two main lines at the same time.IMG_2426IMG_2429IMG_2428


Images (3)
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This looks like a bunch of fun and it was nice to see your progress after what looks to be a couple of years. The turntable and whiskers WOW! I like the nostalgic town scene as well. This layout is already telling a story. Along with the visual of your progress and the country music, I would be in the mood to do some work. Thanks for sharing.


Last edited by luvindemtrains

Dave and all who liked Thank You. The country music is almost always playing in my basement. The nostalgia look Plasticville mostly belonged to my parents and I had to incorporate it some way even picked up more which I will give the Warrensville touch to. The Isley and Pittsburgh Brewing and other Western PA stuff is because I am a “Yinzer” and wanted those childhood memories also. The turn table I am no longer picking up locomotives moving between shelves and layout. I will try and do a better job posting updates. Mark progress get me motivated to make progress on mine along with finally retiring.

Mark: I have been collecting WWII 1/48 Scale Military model kits for almost ten years with no time to build them.Now I will.  I purchase a case of the Menards flat cars with jeeps and several each of all the MTH flat cars with WWII Loads and just got a case of Menards Flat cars as I dont think I will have enough flats. I am looking to build a train 15-20 cars. I like long trains. Yes us Yinzers need to stick together.

@RJT posted:

Mark Thank you and now that I am retired I hope to make progress with the layout. In the process of setting up a second shop/work space for doing kit work ( Kober  Roundhouse and Sanding House) along with a bunch of other kits for my WWII Military Train and Ameri-Town Building Fronts.

Congratulations on your retirement Rick; may you collect long and often. In the near future you will be amazed at how you ever found time to go to work. I know at this point I would have a lousy attendance record.


Just came upon this one Rick!  Wow, now you r retired and really working.  The layout looks great!  Must be nice to have so much space and now you have the time too.  Congrats on a great layout.  I have been going the other direction, my carpet central is picked up and in boxes now, not sure what I will do next.   At 78 I just can't get up and down so much to work on the floor.  I did not even have a train under the Xmas tree this year.   Keep on motoring on and best of luck, sure looks terrific so far.

@pennsydave posted:

Just came upon this one Rick!  Wow, now you r retired and really working.  The layout looks great!  Must be nice to have so much space and now you have the time too.  Congrats on a great layout.  I have been going the other direction, my carpet central is picked up and in boxes now, not sure what I will do next.   At 78 I just can't get up and down so much to work on the floor.  I did not even have a train under the Xmas tree this year.   Keep on motoring on and best of luck, sure looks terrific so far.

Dave: You are still young I am 72 hang in there. You can always bring anything you want to run over here at anytime and we can ran your trains, you still use the App correct? I have my WiFi unit set up just not using it but you can or you can use a spare remote I have that belongs to Frank he leaves it here so he can run his trains when he brings them over.

Congratulations on your retirement Rick; may you collect long and often. In the near future you will be amazed at how you ever found time to go to work. I know at this point I would have a lousy attendance record.


Jay thank you and already wondering when I had time for work and the last ten years I worked from home 4 days a week. If it was not for wifes doctors appointment or vet appointment (16 year old dog not as young as she was at one time) not sure I would even remeber or care what day of the week it is. Need to look at my pnone or watch to tell me!!

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