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Hello, on my layout I have all  MTH Pennsy Steam Engines and I am modeling the period of the mid 1940's.


I am running the MTH DCS control system.

I use Gargraves Track with Ross Turnouts.


I am working on my signal system and with some very helpful suggestions from a forum member named Stan, I am going to use a AIU to operate a few signals on my layout so I can change them from Stop to Proceed or visa versa when I wish and not have to rely on trackside sensors or isolated rails.


I have two fairly long passing sidings (32 O Gauge Cars) on my layout and I am trying to figure out what type of signal did the Pennsy use to show the train crew to take the siding ahead.

I looked up some information on this subject on the internet but they really don't go into much detail. Maybe I looked in the wrong place.


I am not sure if the Pennsy used a  low 4 light dwarf signal or a 7 light position signal with a double head to indicate to take the next siding.


I realize possibly in this time period the train orders were handed up to the engine crew as they passed by an interlocking tower operator but this would be a bit hard to model.


I am going to York next week on a mission to look for some Pennsy signals.

Any information would be greatly appreciated !!!


Mark Strittmatter

TCA # 14-69917

Indiana PA.

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Good morning, thanks for the information on this subject.


The web site I was looking at was the one you suggested Penn-Pacific.

I printed the information from this web site and I am going to do some studying.


S&C, I believe it was Terry of Custom Signals that I talked to at the last Spring York show for just a few minutes.


He had some serious buyers he was dealing with and the fact I was just looking (admiring) I did not want to take up his time.


I have look at Customs Signals web site in the past, I will take another look and see what they have to offer for this Siding Signal.


Hopefully he is attending this upcoming York Show.


Thanks again for the suggestions everyone.

Have a good day!!!


Mark Strittmatter

TCA # 14-69917

Indiana PA.


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