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Thank you all,

Lionel made a few orange box cars with P.RR. markings as follows:


Nick, I have a MTH P.RR. N5-C Cabin Car in Focal Orange and you are correct, the color is unusually neat and the car is in full 1:48 scale proportions.

I can't find my color photograph of the actual Cabin Car, but I compared the model to the photograph and MTH was very close to dead on, with this model.  "Beautifully" executed, MTH!!!

Here's some info., which might have the color photo. I mentioned:

Nick, you have a neat Web-Site and the little one is a Beauty.

Take care,


Last edited by RJL

Thank you for the kind words RJL. I actually need to update that site as I've completely redone the layout in semi-hirail. I'll get around to it next break from school. And my model is actually of the N8. Didn't know they also made an N5c. Add it to the wishlist 


I think of the orange as simply a "safety orange", and yes it's probably just because it's so neat and unusual that I like it so much. Though I can see where PRR purists may be offended lol. When it brings up the rear of a PC freight train it's the perfect end to those rainbow 90% fallen flag equipment consists 

Top row right is a Focal Orange N5c still sporting an induction Train Phone antenna.  Which in fact happens to be prototypical since some cabins with antenna were painted Focal Orange.


Top row center is an N8 Focal Orange cabin.


Front row second from right is a Penn Central era N5c painted brown (there were three of them) require by PP&L for coal drags brought onto their properties.


Both Focal Orange cabins are the same color although pic lighting throws the color off.

You are quite welcome Nick.

I have two MTH P.RR. N5-C Cabin Cars in Focal Orange, the one with the Train-Antenna, like the one that PRRronbh has and one without the antenna, they're both full 1:48 scale and beautiful.
Most of the P.RR. cabin cars, even when carried over to the new ownership, have the 'Poling-Pockets' on their end sills.

A detail that MTH includes, compared to some other manufacturers.

Nick, check MTH's Web.Site for their P.RR. Cabin Cars, as they're mostly close to the 'Real-Deal!' 


PRRronbh, thank you for the info. and a picture of your beautiful line-up of cabin cars/cabeese, hacks/office on wheels, etc. etc. etc.



Last edited by RJL
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