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How about a slice of pizza from the world famous Pepe's Pizza in New Haven Connecticut?


This pizza layout depicts Pepe's Pizza in New Haven.  It's just over 7 square feet, about 36" (crust to crust).  As a tribute to Pepe's, it's modeled after a scene on Wooster Street. Multicolored felt on a 3/4" plywood base supports a loop of O-31 with an (non working) mini-siding.  Buildings are illuminated, and the train is a K-Line NH Plymouth Switcher with coal cars.




A view down Wooster Street.  You can see The Spot, original site of Pepe's starting in the 1920's.




Here's a look at the new (1930's) Pepe's, with a NH switcher bringing coal for the coal-fired brick ovens!




Just like the real thing, there's always a line at Pepe's. Usually it's a lot longer!




Here's a view 'round back where a few empty coal cars are waiting on a siding.




Bird's eye view.




Another look at the NH switcher and Pepe's




Hope it brings a few smiles to my fellow OGR'ers!  If you've been to Pepe's, (like many of our US Presidents), your mouth is watering right about now!




Construction time: about 30 hours, started in February, finished yesterday. 


Stewart, please include this as an entry in the Micro Layout contest, thanks,




Images (8)
  • overview
  • P1010342
  • P1010332
  • P1010334
  • P1010343
  • P1010344
  • P1010353
  • P1010357
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"I really like the cop scolding the little girl for jay walking"




She's telling the officer that the old lady took her place in line!  The lines at Pepe's are taken very seriously.  When I first started going there, the line went up the middle of the restaurant, between the two booth-lined walls.... a bit tight.  I've spent a lot of hours in that line - often an hour at a time.  A bit brisk in the winter!


Thanks to all for the kind words!


I got an idea from a friend, so I changed the wiring a bit to allow for pushbutton 'once around the track' operation.





You betcha dey will...


I should start another thread, but, did you ever try XtrkCad?  You come up with lots of great layout ideas, but I'm wondering if the program you're using is limiting your creativity.  I think you said you only get 50 pieces of track.


XtrkCad had no limit, easy to use, new O-31 Fastrack curve, etc.  I've been using it for a while.



Originally Posted by eddiem:

... I'm wondering if the program you're using is limiting your creativity.  I think you said you only get 50 pieces of track.


XtrkCad had no limit, easy to use, new O-31 Fastrack curve, etc.  I've been using it for a while.



Ed, the free version of AnyRail has a 50 piece limit, which includes scenery elements. It's OK for small layouts. Now I'm using SCARM more; the 3-D feature is great but it's tedious to create buildings and it has some quirks and limitations. I should look into XtrkCad, Thanks for the tip.


I'll admit that I copied your "fake switch" idea on my micro-layout. That's the great thing about the forum, picking up other ideas.


That pizza layout is making me hungry ...

Last edited by Ace
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