How about a slice of pizza from the world famous Pepe's Pizza in New Haven Connecticut?
This pizza layout depicts Pepe's Pizza in New Haven. It's just over 7 square feet, about 36" (crust to crust). As a tribute to Pepe's, it's modeled after a scene on Wooster Street. Multicolored felt on a 3/4" plywood base supports a loop of O-31 with an (non working) mini-siding. Buildings are illuminated, and the train is a K-Line NH Plymouth Switcher with coal cars.
A view down Wooster Street. You can see The Spot, original site of Pepe's starting in the 1920's.
Here's a look at the new (1930's) Pepe's, with a NH switcher bringing coal for the coal-fired brick ovens!
Just like the real thing, there's always a line at Pepe's. Usually it's a lot longer!
Here's a view 'round back where a few empty coal cars are waiting on a siding.
Bird's eye view.
Another look at the NH switcher and Pepe's
Hope it brings a few smiles to my fellow OGR'ers! If you've been to Pepe's, (like many of our US Presidents), your mouth is watering right about now!
Construction time: about 30 hours, started in February, finished yesterday.
Stewart, please include this as an entry in the Micro Layout contest, thanks,