A word of advice - DO NOT cut homosote in the house... it creates a cloud of dust. I had mine cut at Home Depot along with the plywood, but a few of the final small pieces I had to do at home. On one I made the big mistake of cutting it at the layout - what a mess!!!
Actually, if you take some precautions, you can cut Homasote at home. First off, you can actually cut the Homasote with a utility knife, you don't have to make any mess for straight cuts.
Of course, cutting curves is harder, and then power tools come into play. This is the edge of my Homasote being routed to prep for the final fascia layer, I'm following with the shopvac to suck up most of the excess. Yes, there is a lot of stuff flung around if you don't suck it up!
This big curve was marked in place and then cut after taking the Homasote off the table.