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Hello all,


I now have my initial loop of track and would like some ideas on how to wire track to get positive contact in an area that I have to lift the hinged panel to get into my control area ( please see attached). Three rows of track will be on the area that I want to lift and make positive contact when I close the panel to the adjoining track. Please advise methods.


Much thanks, Jerry


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  • 20151112_165233
  • 20151112_165307
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As easy as tapping power feeds off the fixed rails on the hinge side of the layout and attach them to the corresponding rails on the lift panel.  You could do this simply using lockons, with wires laid on top of the layout.  Or more permanently, solder the wires to the rails and run them underneath, leaving enough slack to open the lift.  A positive connection can also be made using blade connectors shoved into the rails from the under side.  Use stranded wire so it will flex without breaking.

This is assuming that both layout sides of the lift are wired to the transformer, that you are not relying on the lift, when down, to make an electrical connection.   If you are concerned about a runaway train while the lift is open, the power could be cut with a kill switch of sorts.  But then we open another can of worms in wiring complexity.  Think of it this way...with each connection introduced into layout wiring, there's the potential for another lack of continuity.



Last edited by brwebster
Originally Posted by tstark:

Are you sure that the track won't bind when you raise the lift up. I tried it with the hinge barrels below like yours and it bound. Most members advise that the hinge should be above the top of the track

Saw that too, but didn't comment as it appears the trough in the table edge permits the track to dip down into it when the lift is raised.



brwebster is on to it. The other feature that you need to add are micro-switches the break the power to the approaching tracks when the lift is up.


Because passenger trains with lighted cars and pick-up rollers can pass power along, you would have to isolate away from the length of the train.


Then, when you lift the bridge, track is cut back far enough that a train will stopped.


I am digging through my links for the thread that shows the contact switch installation. It's pretty simple and very good insurance against murphy.


If you use the forum search feature on lift bridge or lift out or lift up you may find it.

Using the KISS principal, turn the lift up into a switch.  Connect all outside rails (commons) to a terminal strip on bottom of lift up.  Isolate the commons from the hinged side.  Use larger wire from open side of table and install one reliable contact for bridge to table on open side.  See contact examples:




See more info and detail for other possibilities:


Bridges Wired to Control Track Power with Relays for Engine Protection


or Access Bridges used as Switches


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