I think it was late spring when I last posted about getting the basement ready for a new layout. Well, due to family illness, a water heater leak/flood, and a bad knee, progress has been nonexistent. However, this past month, I have finally began putting up the benchwork for my new layout. Generally, it is 20'x8'. This is only about half the space I have available, but, I wanted to stick with a size I might actually be able to "finish" in my lifetime. I also needed to leave room for benchwork for a 2 rail "O" scale layout I had already started many years ago. I moved that benchwork all the way from our former home in Texas. After I get some Lionel running, I will turn my attention to working on the 2 rail layout. I have attached a photo of the benchwork, and a photo showing my soon to be available table space. No, I do not have any kind of plan. Once the tablework is finished, I plan on laying out the track and switches I have, and see what I can come up with. Currently it is a "blank slate".
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