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I've had issues with PS3 to PS3 diesel lashups which others have reported here over the years but to date no solutions from MTH.

Exactly what issues have you had? Could you please elaborate?

AFAIK, there was only one, rarely reported issue re: PS3-PS3 lashups in DCS 5.0 that had an easy workaround, and that was corrected in DCS 6.0.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

I personally prefer PS2. I've got at least a dozen PS3 engines (many early PS3 when they were nearly the same operationally as PS2). I've got 4 PS2 locos I'm trying to keep running - 2 steam, and 2 diesel. 

Issues I have with PS3:

1) The wireless drawbar with steam. Structurally, good. Electrically, really bad. I have had nearly non-stop issues with it. In fact, my only PS3 steamer is at my tech being gutted and turned into a conventional engine. The drawbar has had some issue that causes it to lose control and emit loud "rapid fire static" out of the speaker. The boiler board has been replaced. The wire harness in both the engine and tender for the drawbar have been replaced, several, several times. Each time, it would solve the problem temporarily then back to issues. In addition, I've also replaced the actual drawbar and tender socket several, several times. I'm sick of dealing with it. I want to run it, not look at it. I look forward to getting it running as a conventional engine again. 

2) PS3 steam "no coast" issue. Take a new PS3 steamer. Run it in conventional. Hit the direction button (or throttle down). You'll be witness to a rather violent "stop". Unlike the early days, the new PS3 steamers don't gently "coast" to a stop. They now totally lock up and skid to a stop. I've derailed trains, shredded traction tires, and had a motor start skipping gear teeth. I went directly to an MTH executive about this. They said they are aware of the issue and were not willing to invest time and money to resolve due to most folks running DCS. PS3 diesels also have this issue ONLY when the smoke is on. Since I don't run diesel smoke, it is a non-issue for me. I prefer steam. MTH is making what I like and have the means to purchase but I refuse to touch a PS3 steamer. Lionel has my steam money. 

3) Various quirks with PS3. Engines will start up in conventional immediately vs. waiting 20 seconds to charge only to die when attempting to run. I have also found the structural build quality isn't what it really used to be. Thinner wire used for details, etc, etc. 

Last edited by SJC
clem k posted:

My PS 2 works as advertised no complaints.  PS3 I never know what to expect when I turn on the power, or what will happen in that operating session. I also like DCS 4.3 or earlier.

Just my opinion 


I run 3 multi power units of 5 ps2/ps3 diesel engine mix....a couple of my ps3 engines will miss the WD occasionally...i just power off power on my TIU again and all behave as advertised. I mirror what Clem K says about 4.3 and 4.2 is very MU stable. A note though..never hit the read button or you will scatter your engine member settings.DCS read button


Images (1)
  • DCS read button

I have both PS2/3V and PS3. My early PS3 engines had volume issues. The speakers were replaced with BF34s and that helped a little. The soundfile download recommended by MTH to correct the volume problem did nothing. I run PS2 engines with like units and the same for PS3 to avoid any quirts that may arise. The l.e.d. lighting is nice in the PS3 engines but for me the PS2  engines are less troublesome operationally.  

Barry Broskowitz posted:


I've had issues with PS3 to PS3 diesel lashups which others have reported here over the years but to date no solutions from MTH.

Exactly what issues have you had? Could you please elaborate?

AFAIK, there was only one, rarely reported issue re: PS3-PS3 lashups in DCS 5.0 that had an easy workaround, and that was corrected in DCS 6.0.

1. Marker lights? I think is one.

2. Unable to to lock sound volume to match each other.

3. Occasionally one engine in a lashup will lockup and not run in either direction, if you don't shut it down in time, the PS3 board will burn up and the burning electronics smoke/smell will be seen.  Weird if one engine locks up like this and you access it on its own it's fine.   Several have reported this one where they didn't catch it and time and needed to have the board replaced after it went up in smoke.

those are the ones I can remember 


1. Marker lights? I think is one.

That's not been a problem in any of my 8 lashups, several of which areP S3 only, under DCS 5.0 or later. DCS 5.0 allowed customization and saving of lashup member settings via the FSV soft key.

2. Unable to to lock sound volume to match each other.

Again, not a problem in any of my 8 lashups using DCS 5.0 out later.

3. Occasionally one engine in a lashup will lockup and not run in either direction, if you don't shut it down in time, the PS3 board will burn up and the burning electronics smoke/smell will be seen.

I'v never had this happen in DCS 5.0 or later.

clem k posted:

My PS 2 works as advertised no complaints.  PS3 I never know what to expect when I turn on the power, or what will happen in that operating session. I also like DCS 4.3 or earlier.

Just my opinion 


When we finally got our DCS quieted down and reliable we "froze" it at release 4.3 and have not yet regretted that decision. 

Barry Broskowitz posted:


1. Marker lights? I think is one.

That's not been a problem in any of my 8 lashups, several of which areP S3 only, under DCS 5.0 or later. DCS 5.0 allowed customization and saving of lashup member settings via the FSV soft key.

2. Unable to to lock sound volume to match each other.

Again, not a problem in any of my 8 lashups using DCS 5.0 out later.

3. Occasionally one engine in a lashup will lockup and not run in either direction, if you don't shut it down in time, the PS3 board will burn up and the burning electronics smoke/smell will be seen.

I'v never had this happen in DCS 5.0 or later.

I've never had this happen in DCS 4.20...i have 19 ps2/ps3 diesels..all but two are MU configured. Way back when i did have an engine in a 5 engine MU start to drag. My 7.5 amp fast blow opened. One of the can motors inop. I cleaned the commutator ,retested and all good. Close to 6k scale miles on this engine today. My advise is the addition of proper fusing and don't rely on power supply circuit breakers except maybe the Lionel PH180's with there exceptionally responsive electronic breakers.

Barry Broskowitz posted:


1. Marker lights? I think is one.

That's not been a problem in any of my 8 lashups, several of which areP S3 only, under DCS 5.0 or later. DCS 5.0 allowed customization and saving of lashup member settings via the FSV soft key.  Tried that all day long with no success 

2. Unable to to lock sound volume to match each other.

Again, not a problem in any of my 8 lashups using DCS 5.0 out later. What can I say it's was a issue with my diesels until I sold them.  Again FSV soft key was no help.

3. Occasionally one engine in a lashup will lockup and not run in either direction, if you don't shut it down in time, the PS3 board will burn up and the burning electronics smoke/smell will be seen.

I'v never had this happen in DCS 5.0 or later. Again what can I say.  Happen to me several times but was able to save the board before it fried.  The few posts I've seen about blown PS3 boards most cases it was in a lashup..

I've only had two ps3 diesels to date since I'm a steam guy and out of those two only one was a problem child.  

I haven't given up on PS3 doing two diesels with PS3 kits which I plan to run in lashup mode.  Will report any quirks I find.

Last edited by superwarp1


   Most of my MTH Engines are P2, I do have a couple P3 Engines that work just fine.  I do like the built in BCR type engineering of the P3, all my P2 engines have been upgraded with a BCR to eliminate the batteries.  I do know there are some small problems with the P3, however I finally broke down and purchased the P3's, no problems yet.


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