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If I remember right, the plugs are not the same and the tach reader is different. That would have to be changed too. I hear they make ps3 boards for ps2 models with the specific plug design. They did the same for PS2. From 5v too 3v style board. It was a special ps2 board you could order from MTH.

Last edited by Bruk

I just completed mth technical school. They use the test platforms to test loco boards. They sell them but in the meantime I need a way to test boards. So I suggested and they agreed if I have an old PS2 or 3 steam engine I could utilize it to test sound and boiler boards.  Ofcourse it's impossible to learn everything  in 4 or 5 days so I'm feeling my way around all this.  Soooo I figured ps2 and 3 were not interchangeable and we discussed it a lot but we covered stuff and moved on.soo I'm going to ask a lot of dumb questions on here. We can't be to careful working on customers stuff. Any ideas would be appreciated! 

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