After many months since my last update in the now infamous 48 club thread, I have finally completed the last major addition to my 4x8. Its something that I haven't run across in any thread previously on the forum, so thought I'd post up what I have done as I suspect many of you might enjoy it.
To preface, I got the idea from when we still had a "carpet" layout. My son liked to bring his lunch or dinner plate down and eat it on the floor while watching the trains run. So I had a aha moment and wanted to incorporate this into our new table.
My wife is a bit of a amateur fantastic artist, so I had her wood burn and then stain (water based) a mountain scene onto a 8'x18" board. Using waterbased stain allowed her to add water or mix & match as one would do with water colors. Afterwards, I cleared it and mounted to the table using a pair of long piano hinges.
While in the "up" position, it acts as a backdrop for the layout and has a particular charm to it. Its not scale, however nothing on the layout is scale, and I love it. Now, for the party trick, I can undo a pair of latches and fold it down to "horizontal position". This allows one to sit and have a beverage, or for my son to sit and eat, while operating the empire.
Let me know what you guys think, or if you have questions. Now on to some pics.
Note: Edited to reflect everyone's thoughts on my wife's artistic abilities!