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Someone recently asked about alternative/replacement Giraffe car activators.

I simply bend coat hanger wire to whatever length or curve that I need, and bend loops for layout attaching screws to each end.  A lot less noticeable on the layout too!

giraffe trip 1Giraffe trip 2

giraffes 3


Images (3)
  • giraffe trip 1
  • Giraffe trip 2
  • giraffes 3
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Interesting topic, John, especially for me because the Lionel giraffe car and activator are among my favorite things on my layout. The video below shows them in action:

What is your reason with replacing the Lionel activator? For instance, is it because it doesn’t fit on the track you use? Is it because of its appearance? Etc.

I am just fine with the original giraffe car ( I have 2 of them) and the original Lionel activator. Arnold


Videos (1)

Arnold asked: "What is your reason with replacing the Lionel activator? For instance, is it because it doesn’t fit on the track you use? Is it because of its appearance? Etc."

A little of all, Arnold:

I run a cop/Hobo chasing car on the same train with 8 Giraffe cars. The figures hit the Lionel Tell-Tail.

I can make 'em duck on curves.

Less noticeable than the bulky Lionel activator.

BTW, great video - thanks

Last edited by Lionelski

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