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Hi All; Its been a while since I upgraded my DCS handhelds and TIU's software. Running 2.03 at present; no issues at all.

Just wondering what the current DCS software version is and the loader software version? Any issues with this version?

I also wonder what the current version of the soundfile loader software is? Might as well get all updates done together!

Thanks, Rod

Last edited by Rod Stewart
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gunrunnerjohn posted:

2.03  WOW!  You will have to reset the remotes and TIU and reload everything to upgrade from that old a release.  Awhile is a masterpiece of understatement, how long has it been?

The current loader as well as the TIU and remote software are all at 5.0 right now.


Oops; my bad. Actually its version 4.10 that I currently use.

I suppose that version 5.0 is still the right way to go though.

Thanks, Rod


I have no immediate plans to use DCS wifi, so am I better off just upgrading from V4.10 to  V4.30 of the software; instead of V5.0? V4.30 looks like it would suit my current needs just fine.

Absolutely not. There are bugs in DCS 4.3 that were corrected in DCS 5.0.

Further, it's pretty much axiomatic that it's generally best to be using the latest version of software in order to receive the maximum value of troubleshooting advice.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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