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Originally this was in the 3rail forum. It belongs here. Thanks.

I've had terrible luck with RealTrax turnouts. So bad, that I wish I hadn't overbought RealTrax and locked myself in, financially.

I won't go through the litany, I will just stick to my current Christmas layout issue. I run 2 Wyes, to create a siding. They are powered by track power on DCS, this year. I use 1 throw. They are about 8 feet apart and I use telephone wire to send the throw signal to the far Wye. Both Wyes and the surrounding 1 foot (ish) on either side are supported by paneling, over a very tightly woven carpet. The near Wye has burned out somehow (it will only throw in one direction). I believe it is in the track, because the solenoid and throw work on another turnout.


To the point:

1) Reading Barry's Companion, I will switch to a separate transformer, for switch power.

2) I don't want to be a switch tweaker. I want to play with my toys at Christmas time.

If I buy another Wye, secure both Wyes paneling , so that it supports the Wye, the switch and 10 - 15" track on either side of the switch, and buy an AIU, to throw the switches, what are my chances that I will get hassle free function? Each Christmas, I post my turnout woes and some say all are great, some say they have to tweak many switches, some have worse luck, than I do.

If I redesign the layout to give me another loop and skip the siding, I will re-re design it to allow a turnoff, to "park" an extra loco.

So, I am looking for the best way to enjoy turnouts on a Christmas carpet layout.

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I really do not know why mfgs even suggest using track power as an option.  In my experience if there is a switch motor operational question it frequently stems from not using dedicated switch power. 


Another problem I have run across is using under sized wire.  I would not use less than 18 gauge wire for turnouts.


Some phoo-phoo my wire size suggestions but I do not experence  power problems. 

I know exactly where my wits end is! It is behind my Christmas tree, under a dead switch!!!!


BUT! I figured it out (deja vu, this fix was given to me years ago, in another post). It was a bad microswitch.

1) Does anyone know where I can get more? I had one for today, but one had burned out.

2) I've wired 18Ga for power. Can I do a double switch with telephone wire, Or do I need to run more 18 Ga, for the throws?

Last edited by Marty R


I ran into your problem with RealTrax switches on my layout in the basement.

Solid telephone wire is too high resistance for more than about 6 feet of length to the switch. I had to double up some of the wires. Since my cables had 6 wires it worked out. The reason: The power goes to the switch, then up to the controls and back to the switch before it hits the solenoid, Then back to the ground point on the transformer. That's a lot of wire, especially in small diameter wires.

Sorry to hear you had a bad microswitch, I have not had any of those yet.

I am not sure your paneling on carpet is stiff enough to eliminate false tripping of the anti-derail. That will lead to bad derailments.

Then again, I have a Big Boy running around, it's HEAVY and I can see the track flex under it pretty much everywhere. I had to brace up stiff points under the switches ends to deal with that.

Thanks Russell, I will get some braided wire (trying to use what I have, rather than buy stuff. I'd rather spend the money on actual trains


My heaviest loco is a Premier Berk. It has some heft, but I vant go thicker without an issue at the end of the wood. Maybe i will trim the ends of the adjacent rails next year and use clips, as well

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