Both sides look good, BUT I would add another pair of cross overs to each side. You had a cross over right above your acces hatch on the left, but you took it out. I would put that back in, and put another on the right side as well.
Reason is, if you run a train with your finger around a loop, once you crossover from one loop to the other, you have to travel all the way to the other side of the layout to get back to the original loop you were on.
If you put the crossover back in that you took out, right above the access hatch on the left, you could park/stage a train on the inner loop on the curve, and run another train around it on the outter loop, and then back to the inner loop because the crossover allows you to get around the parked train on both ends without running all the way to the other side of the layout. Since you took out that crossover, you have to go all the way to the left side of the layout to get back on the same track, that prevents you from keeping a train running on that track.
I know it sounds confusing....I ran trains with my finger for days trying to make sure I had crossovers and reverse loops in the right place for maximum options. Even then, I wish I would of put another crossover in to access one of the reverse loops from both tracks, and moved another crossover a few feet to allow longer tracks to park there. I could still change it, but it's not that big of deal.