I’m curious if the Ross O31 curved track would be an acceptable drop in replacement for an existing MTH RealTrack O31 loop. Anyone know how the footprint of the two track systems compare?
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I’m curious if the Ross O31 curved track would be an acceptable drop in replacement for an existing MTH RealTrack O31 loop. Anyone know how the footprint of the two track systems compare?
Based on this test using RR-Track, I don't think RCS will drop in. RealTrax in blue/gray and RCS is in red.
I’m curious if the Ross O31 curved track would be an acceptable drop in replacement for an existing MTH RealTrack O31 loop. Anyone know how the footprint of the two track systems compare?
Based on this test using RR-Track, I don't think RCS will drop in. RealTrax in blue/gray and RCS is in red.
I can verify Dave's findings. Ross seems 31" diam to the center rail, and Realtrax is 31" diam to more like the outside of the plastic roadbed. Also, RRTrack 5.1 says that Ross measures 31.12 center rail to center rail, and Realtrax measures 28.7 c-to-c.
Thanks guys I appreciate the help as much as the money I save.