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Has anyone else had an issue(s) or problem with version 5 RR Track software.  I have used previous versions and experienced some problems, but V5 seems more unstable.  It quits and I lose data regularly. it appears to lose even more data than the last save point.  The program also saves a duplicate file?  I am wondering if it just can't handle large numbers of file changes from sizable layouts.  In the past we have tried to save the file under different names after 10 - 15 minutes of work, that seemed to work on V4 fairly well.  That technique does not seem to work with V5.  It might just be me, that is why I am asking.


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I've been playing with 12 x 23 layouts and have saved multiple versions. I save every 25 changes automatically plus whenever I feel like in between. I've also downloaded several samples from posts here and view 3-4 at a time. I've had the program a week and it only closed on me once the first day. I'm using a new laptop and I'm still getting used to Windows 8, so I might have accidently hit the wrong keys while switching between the Desktop and the Start screen. I've also played with the 3D views and simulation. That's not to say I don't have other problems, but nothing like you seem to be having. FWIW, my version is

Dave, I appreciate your comments.  After your comments I suspect that I am complicating the problem by using VM ware on a Mac. I do try to save as often as possible like every 10 minutes.  I also removed RR-track V4 that was opening on me and not allowing me to open V5 because I was transferring some parts of an old design.  Apparently it is best just to drop the old file in the V5 icon, then click, copy, and paste.  I am trying to design a 20 x 44 layout.


I saw you are in Peoria AZ. I have been visiting my daughter and our new grandson in Vail AZ for the last 3 months.  Just visited the Bone Yard and the Titan Missile Sight.  You have some good modelers in your area to share with.

Thanks Again for the comments


Rockville IN

219 689-5036

It does have some quirks. Here's what I've found so far:

  • Opening a second layout, the keystroke copy/cut/paste (ctrl-c/ctrl-x/ctrl-v) dont work on second and subsequent layouts opened. Makes porting components from one layout to another cumbersome.
  • Occasionally freezes.
  • Occasionally mishandles flex track.
  • Simulator doesn't allow for two trains to run at the same time. Selecting second train while the first is running causes them to disappear.

Except for the first one, the others aren't consistent. I figure they'll eventually get to them. The other factor is I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and the software is 32-bit. I'm able to get stuff done that I need to and that's the important thing.


Having developed apps, I can appreciate what a pain in the rear it can be finding and neutralizing bugs, so I tend to cut developers more slack than most.

 One thing I noticed in V5 that is less stable is the tear off function for track libraries.  Don't know if this is documented (I found it accidentally) but if you pull down a track library list and right click on it it tears it off into a separate window.  You can have several of these open and it's really handy if you're working with multiple track libraries (let’s say Gargraves track and Ross switches).


I found under v5 that if you have several open it occasionally spontaneously crashes.  Not often but every once in awhile.  I'm a big fan of CTRL-S because of this. 

Originally Posted by tplee:

Dave, I appreciate your comments.  After your comments I suspect that I am complicating the problem by using VM ware on a Mac. I do try to save as often as possible like every 10 minutes.  I also removed RR-track V4 that was opening on me and not allowing me to open V5 because I was transferring some parts of an old design.  Apparently it is best just to drop the old file in the V5 icon, then click, copy, and paste.  I am trying to design a 20 x 44 layout.


I saw you are in Peoria AZ. I have been visiting my daughter and our new grandson in Vail AZ for the last 3 months.  Just visited the Bone Yard and the Titan Missile Sight.  You have some good modelers in your area to share with.

Thanks Again for the comments


Rockville IN

219 689-5036

I don't know, Buzz. I'm not experiencing some of the problems Matt is. I've got 3 different layouts open right now and have no problem using ctrl-c, etc., to move things between all 3. I haven't had it freeze and I haven't played much with flex track yet. It doesn't allow you to run multiple trains in simulation mode, but when I have 1 train running and select a 2nd, it asks me if I want to stop the 1st. If I answer Yes, it does so and switches cabs so I can start the 2nd. I'll have to play with the tear off option Chris mentioned, but I don't use multiple libraries, at least not yet. So, I don't know what to tell you at this point other than to check your build number to make sure you've got the latest version.

As far as Vail goes, I had to look it up and see it's outside Tucson, I've probably just never seen the sign as we use I-10 a lot to go to Florida and Georgia. I'm told there is a lot more model rr activity down there as opposed to up here in Phoenix. I'm sure we have our share, but the Valley is so much more spread out than Tucson that it probably localizes things a bit more up here. My LHS is way over in Mesa, a 45-60 minute drive depending on freeway traffic, but that's better than not having one at all.

Originally Posted by Chris Lord:

 One thing I noticed in V5 that is less stable is the tear off function for track libraries.  Don't know if this is documented (I found it accidentally) but if you pull down a track library list and right click on it it tears it off into a separate window.  You can have several of these open and it's really handy if you're working with multiple track libraries (let’s say Gargraves track and Ross switches).


I found under v5 that if you have several open it occasionally spontaneously crashes.  Not often but every once in awhile.  I'm a big fan of CTRL-S because of this. 

That is so cool. I seem to remember reading something about this, but haven't tried it until now and I don't know if I read it here or somewhere in the manual/tutorials I've been going through. I'll have to keep playing with it to see if it gives me any problems. Thanks for the tip.

Originally Posted by Chris Lord:

One thing I noticed in V5 that is less stable is the tear off function for track libraries.  Don't know if this is documented (I found it accidentally) but if you pull down a track library list and right click on it it tears it off into a separate window.  You can have several of these open and it's really handy if you're working with multiple track libraries (let’s say Gargraves track and Ross switches).


I found under v5 that if you have several open it occasionally spontaneously crashes.  Not often but every once in awhile.  I'm a big fan of CTRL-S because of this. 

That is so cool. I seem to remember reading something about this, but haven't tried it until now and I don't know if I read it here or somewhere in the manual/tutorials I've been going through. I'll have to keep playing with it to see if it gives me any problems. Thanks for the tip.

Cheers, Dave



Just tried it and it is cool!  Can you make the windows bigger?






Thanks all for the replys.  I did not understand that this is run on 32 bit.  I also use Windows 7 64bit from VM ware which I see adds an addition complication.  It is very helpful to hear what others have to say about their experiences.  What A Great Forum.  I do appreciate your time for the replys.  I have given up trying to copy old layouts. 

Have you found any way to make vertical arcs? I am trying to draw buildings that have a arched tops and a real search light signal in the corner of the room.  I want to get a general feel if it fits in.  Have you had an issue with the Polysolid Fill Objects tool filling all the way to the z, 0 axis regardless of perimeters prescribed?

Note to Matt Jackson, I tried your e-mail address and was retuned.

One thing I noticed in V5 that is less stable is the tear off function for track libraries.  Don't know if this is documented (I found it accidentally) but if you pull down a track library list and right click on it it tears it off into a separate window.  You can have several of these open and it's really handy if you're working with multiple track libraries (let’s say Gargraves track and Ross switches).


Could you be more specific about the tear off feature, it does not seem to work for me.



Sorry, just got it to work, thanks.  It will be helpful.




Pull down the Track menu.

Select one of the categories, say Straight.

Now, move the cursor over one of the sizes, doesn't matter which.

Right click and a separate window should open up listing all the sizes for that category.

Do the same for Curves and Turnouts.

You can move these anywhere on the screen and you'll have instant access to them rather than having to use the menu system each time you want a different track size or category.


Originally Posted by DoubleDAZ:



Pull down the Track menu.

Select one of the categories, say Straight.

Now, move the cursor over one of the sizes, doesn't matter which.

Right click and a separate window should open up listing all the sizes for that category.

Do the same for Curves and Turnouts.

You can move these anywhere on the screen and you'll have instant access to them rather than having to use the menu system each time you want a different track size or category.


That's awesome! Tried it with two different libraries and it kept both available.

I have upgraded to V5 from V4 and ever since I still have fast track aligning problems or combinations that should work, and did work in V4. It is off enough to keep the train animation from running the complete track as it senses too large of a gap.


Even copied a Fastrack setup out of the CTT Magazine last month and came nowhere close to being able to assemble it as shown.


I hate to appear more stupid that I am but WTH! Heck, BTW, LOL


Any suggestions? I am trying to work on my final benchwork and layout design for approx a 13 x 11 space. Right now all switches and curves O36 looking to see what I can do to have the same functionality in running the trains with the loss in the amount of track with the larger curves, etc.


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