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A big Thank You to Harry and the North Penn O Gaugers for inviting everyone to their open house. My grandson and I enjoyed meeting everyone and running our locos on the layout. Here's a picture and a video. Other photos and videos will be poster on Weekend Photo Fun and Switcher Saturday threads.







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Last edited by Lionel Grandpa

The day was a blast, but some of it is a blur.  For a time there, I was as busy as a one arm paper hanger, lot of things to do!  It was great to meet a bunch of people I'd never seen in person, that's always one highlight of these gatherings.  My new Menards Reading cars got a pretty good run, they appeared in many different consists.  It's rare to see so many boxes of locomotives all scattered around, a lot of variety appeared on the rails.

Yes, It was well worth the 6 1/2 hour trip each way!!!  One personal comment.  I can say for a fact that was the largest layout I have ever ran a train on in over 45 years in the hobby!!  It was fun to run my Premier B&O Atlantic, and John Will was right!  He touched my Atlantic and Tender and the mysterious squeak disappeared.  No squeak here at home this afternoon!  That mouse bait really works, John!!  It was great meeting each and every person from this Forum and the FaceBook Groups!  Thank you Harry and the North Penn O Gaugers!!!  


Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by CarGuyZM10:

Thanks for having us! I had a bast running on the layout, talking to people, and watching other people run trains.


And a special thank you to the people who helped me with my LNE camelback.


So sorry i did not Recognize you!  I should have introduced myself.  It was a good day, and I'm glad you were there!


That's quite alright, maybe next time.

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