Hi Redball342 I got you and friends on list.
Yes John and Bill will be here with us.
bring an engine and caboose. plus remote.
Thank you.
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Hi Redball342 I got you and friends on list.
Yes John and Bill will be here with us.
bring an engine and caboose. plus remote.
Thank you.
Well I can bring my Lionel LOTS Santa Fe SD MAC 80 and my string of Lionel TTUX cars and a make shift Lionel dump car that now carries a container with FRED on the rear; no caboose, and remote. OK?
Well guys, I had some last minute work stuff come up, I wont be able to make it. Hopefully next time, Thanks for the invite!
Yes the LOTS Lionel Santa Fe SD MAC 80 is TMCC. I will put new Batteries in my remote and use it.
As long as it's a Legacy or CAB1L, you're fine. We don't have the old TMCC CAB1 support.
Sorry it's the old Cab1, so I guess I will not be able to run, but we will still be there to enjoy others runs.
We have remotes, so don't worry about that, we'll get you running.
Hi Redball342
Bring your Santa Fa SD MAC 80 We do have plenty of remotes sitting here that can be used.
your in good shape.
We will welcome you, I haven't had a chance to test my new boots!
If I bring a PS2 engine, would their be an extra remote for me to borrow?
My remotes are a little bulky to carry around lol
I'm sorry my dad and I will not be able to attend. I had forgotten about a wedding. Thank you for the invite, hopefully I can make a future one.
Hi PRRhorseshoec Tour on the list I wont hold you up at door John might.
See you at the shop.
Michael I have a remote that you can use for MTH.
Bill Sorry to hear you cant make it.
I have my Premier PS2 B&O Atlantic and remote ready to go. Leaving home by 5:30 to meet Chuck Fester at his home just after 6 to get there. I hope someone can help me locate a pesky squeak that seems to be coming from the tender. See you tomorrow.
Mark will try to finger out what is going on and see if one of our guys can help.
Well to all that are attending the North Penn O Gauges fun run
let us know that you are going while in store Saturday and get the club discount 10% off most items.
Thank you Harry A Henning III.
I have a good exterminator that has some really powerful mouse bait, that should take care of the squeak.
So that's it, John!! I knew I could count on you to come up with the solution! ;-)
No problem, and I'll bring a can of the really good stuff with me.
Hi Harry Sorry for no-show I am sick as a dog
Glade you guys had a great day of running trains and stopping at shop.
We are glade that you have enjoyed the food as well.
A big Thank You to Harry and the North Penn O Gaugers for inviting everyone to their open house. My grandson and I enjoyed meeting everyone and running our locos on the layout. Here's a picture and a video. Other photos and videos will be poster on Weekend Photo Fun and Switcher Saturday threads.
Harry thank you and the club for having us today. I liked running my Pennsy T-1 on the layout. I injoyed talking to all you guys and the dogs.
228 pictures and videos!! Downloading them to my PC now and will upload sometime today.
So good to meet you all!
The day was a blast, but some of it is a blur. For a time there, I was as busy as a one arm paper hanger, lot of things to do! It was great to meet a bunch of people I'd never seen in person, that's always one highlight of these gatherings. My new Menards Reading cars got a pretty good run, they appeared in many different consists. It's rare to see so many boxes of locomotives all scattered around, a lot of variety appeared on the rails.
Yes, It was well worth the 6 1/2 hour trip each way!!! One personal comment. I can say for a fact that was the largest layout I have ever ran a train on in over 45 years in the hobby!! It was fun to run my Premier B&O Atlantic, and John Will was right! He touched my Atlantic and Tender and the mysterious squeak disappeared. No squeak here at home this afternoon! That mouse bait really works, John!! It was great meeting each and every person from this Forum and the FaceBook Groups! Thank you Harry and the North Penn O Gaugers!!!
Hi Harry Sorry for no-show I am sick as a dog
I'm sorry you were sick and couldn't attend, Ben! I was looking forward to meeting you!
Thanks for having us! I had a bast running on the layout, talking to people, and watching other people run trains.
And a special thank you to the people who helped me with my LNE camelback.
Thanks for having us! I had a bast running on the layout, talking to people, and watching other people run trains.
And a special thank you to the people who helped me with my LNE camelback.
So sorry i did not Recognize you! I should have introduced myself. It was a good day, and I'm glad you were there!
Thanks for having us! I had a bast running on the layout, talking to people, and watching other people run trains.
And a special thank you to the people who helped me with my LNE camelback.
So sorry i did not Recognize you! I should have introduced myself. It was a good day, and I'm glad you were there!
That's quite alright, maybe next time.
Thank you to the Henning's and the North Penn O-Gaugers for such a great time. It was a pleasure to finally meet a lot of you and I'm sorry to those that I did not recognize. Everyone brought something to run and it was great seeing so many different trains.
Those are really nice photos, Chuck!
I recognixe them all except, how did I miss the model of Henning's Trains store???? That is a really nice model building. At least I saw the real thing.
This is a dupliate post on Facebook. Video from the meet.
You threw me with the first clip, I started thinking "where is that on the layout", then realized that was in front of the store!
Thanks for the nice video LionelBob!! Lots of really nice trains and engines. Here I thought maybe my B&O Atlantic might be the smallest as you showed it early on, but Gunrunnerjohn took the prize with his Weiner mobile! Thank you again everyone for a great day!!
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