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Last edited by ChessieFan72


Thanks for posting the tutorial.  I like it!  I'm totally new to SCARM so I'm looking for as many opportunities to learn as possible.  Please continue with your plans to do more tutorials.  


My only suggestion for this one is that the audio volume could have been a little higher.  I had trouble hearing it in a room with some background noise.



Last edited by FrankfordJunction

I thought it was fine except as you stated the volume was a bit low. I have had RR-Track for sometime and now SCARM. Don't know how to use SCARM and have been reluctant to spend the time to try and learn it. You are making that much easier and removing all my excuses. Thanks for taking the time to make the tutorial. I look forward to more as you have time to create them.


I also like the link you have to the Atlas 6924 wiring, this has been something many here have asked about, including me. I have saved your link and post here to add to my other collection of Atlas wiring diagrams. Thanks for that one too!


Originally Posted by Moonman:
How did you activate\enter that mode is missing from the start.
Carl, I'm a little confused as to which mode you are talking about? If you mean entering the Create Baseboard mode, that is always active. If no baseboard is present, just right click on the layout window and a menu will appear. Select Create Baseboard, move the pointer to the area where you want to create your first point, then left click. If a baseboard is present, the menu will give you the choice to Renovate the baseboard. After watching the video, I see I slipped in some information on baseboards being defined by points between creating the steps of selecting Create Baseboard and setting the first point. That may have caused some confusion.
Capture quality is a little on the low res side.
I'm trying out different video capture software. I wasn't too pleased with the results and my next attempt will be with other software.

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