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Our Club (Lone Star Hi Railers) has a Lionel Scrambler ride that we use on our portable layout. It has been giving problems so I volunteered to look at it. It will run for about 10 cycles and then the motor stalls out. A slight nudge will start it again for another 10 or so cycles. I hace cleaned it up, lightly lubricated it, checked all the gears for wear and bind. When it runs, it moves freely. When I remove the upper part and just leave the lower gear, it does the same thing so it isn't anything to do with the ride portion. I'm thinking it's either a dead spot on the motor or the drive power transistor but going to the Lionel Parts Page, all parts for this thing are listed as "Unavailable." I cannot read the part number on the power transistor. Any help in locating either?



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