Thanks for all replies, I'm going to do my best to answer all questions.
1) Can the gap in the center be filled or is it a permanent gap? Gap is permanent, the table is actual for sections that come apart if needed. The left side sits against the wall on chair rail and the right side is supported by legs.
2) Do you want the loops connected or independent? Doesn't matter.
3) If independent, are you ok with one being raised? Yes
PCRR/Dave - You've got quite a bit of action packed into a small space! I've thought about doing a multi-level but I like to leave room for scenery and such, I like the more is less.
First, I must apologize for my confusion in addressing my earlier questions to JOECELEB. No worries!
Now, with that out of the way, let me ask you the same questions. First, does the opening in the center of your "island" have to be that large? If so, is that because one side or other rests against a wall? Second, what equipment are you running, freight, passenger or some mix of the two? See #1 above for the first part of your question, in regards to what I'm running - I run frieght with the exception of the Polar Express Set I have.
SJC - Thanks for the great pictures, it's nice to see how a completed small layout can look. I agree in regards to having some switching action, right now the two loops are nice for running but that sure get's boring quick. I've really been thinking about having a single loop with some kind of "yard" on the left and a siding on the right. Add some mountains or some visual break at the tops and bottoms to create a sense that the trains are going somewhere.
Again, thanks for all the great advice! I'm going to experiement this weekend with some of the ideas you've given me and I'll post them.