On my last layout I used two postwar ZWs for track power, one for my O gauge loop and one for my standard gauge loop. The loops weren't that big so these provided plenty of train running power.
On the accessory side, I used a Lionel ZW-C with four 180w bricks. The controller handles were set for the voltage I wanted and all I had to do was flip the on switch. The bricks ran cool and I never had an issue. I loved that set up for accessory power.
Now, on the new layout I decided to use the the postwar transformers for accessory power, and since I run mainly command control, I would use the four 180w bricks to power my tracks. Since I wasn't using the ZW-C controller, I sold it. The bricks connected directly to my MTH DCS system has worked very well.
On the accessory side my two postwar ZWs had been working fine. However, as I had more lights to the circuit, I have been having issues with one of the ZWs tripping it's breaker. Once it resets, then it's fine and doesn't trip again. I'm assuming it's breaker is getting weak.
Because of this issue and the fact that the ZWs do run warm after they've been on a while and that I will eventually exceed their capacity, I want to change them out with something else. My friend recently bought a train collection that came with a ZW-C and two 180w bricks, so I got it from him. However, the controller is not working. The bricks are fine but there is no voltage coming out of the controller.
So, now I have to decide what I want to do. I'm leaning towards finding a working ZW-C controller and another two 180W bricks. Since for accessory power I never use the handles this setup works great. I would never use this transformer for track power. The controller has too many issues to be constantly moving the handles. I thought about maybe using a MTH Z4000, but I don't like the fact that the handles have to be turned up each time it is powered up. The ZW-L price is way to high to use it for accessory power in my opinion.
Any thoughts, suggestion? Know of a cheap ZW-C controller? Thanks guys.