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Thanks People

I went on a couple compliance sign sites like Compliance Signs,and Emedco.

Looks like I can bring up a page of assorted signs,scale it to size and print.

Notice I said I ? This is the wife's department,Olga is in charge of all things printing.

I was looking for an easy way out,

Look up company,

Order sheet for 5 bucks

Stick on

O well

Thanks everybody


My method, maybe not the cheapest, but works for me....I go through the Petroliana

category on eBay (I am looking for mostly defunct oil companies of a specific area

and time for my 1930's gas station models and bulk oil plants), find signs..also sometimes in collectors' sites, print them out, and then take the print, whatever size, into Staple's. Their print shop in the front of the store prints me a whole sheet of them in whatever size I want, often a couple of sheets in different sizes.  And I think many can do this at home, even the sizing.

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