Join us for another fun filled Zoom meeting of the Standard Gauge Module Association - all are welcome.
We'll focus first on Fall York where we will have our Friday Breakfast with show and tell, and a 24 by 50 foot SGMA layout in Orange hall back near Lionel, We'll recap the recent Oaks PA layout at the Greenberg show, discuss some new items and have some fun chatting with each other at the end. Questions welcomed
If you are going to Fall York and like Standard Gauge trains - tune in - starts at 7:30, you can join at 7:15 to get your connection working.
SGMA September Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 7:15 PM – 10:00 PM
Standard Gauge Virtual Group Meeting
Jim Waterman, Wayne Strobel, Kirk Lindvig, Ken Fischer, Jim Kelly-Evans - Introduction
Club Update -
Greenberg Oaks Show Report
York SGMA Breakfast, Orange Hall SGMA Layout 7:30 pm (EDT)
Wayne Strobel Possible Tinplate Project for SGMA 8:00
Harry Henning Jr. Making MEW Wheels (Video) 8:10
Jim Waterman Zephyr & Latest Projects 8:25
Clem Clement Show & Tell pictures 8:45
Open Group Discussion 9:00
Meeting Details Date Weds 22 September 2021
Start Time 7:30pm, Eastern Daylight Time (Meeting opens 15 minutes prior)
Meeting Link
Meeting ID 988 1684 0371
Meeting Password 397081