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My first stab at a track plan based on the space in the extra room I have available.  It will need some minor track cutting adjustment but I think it will look interesting as the trains run around and turn around.

I can't do any bigger than 42", just no space, so don't suggest bigger curves, ain't happening.

Any other suggestions?

I also was thinking of doing an elevated level above this one for having 2 trains running at same time.

Let me know what you think!

Thanks!Standard Gauge


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  • Standard Gauge
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When I first looked at this, I thought it looked monstrous, but running the numbers in my head, it looks to be about eight foot square (roughly). Not too bad size-wise, and you've got a bit of running variability here with two reverse loops.

It will, however, be a bit tough if you use manual turnouts. You'll be running side-to-side to throw them.

Last edited by pd

Watch the overhang of the trains on the curved portions of the layout, because you sure have a lot of curves! I know with scale trains (HO, O, etc.) you want to avoid "S" curves as much as possible, but your layout has several places where the track forms an "S" shape. I assume that this isn't a problem for standard gauge trains?

@pd posted:

When I first looked at this, I thought it looked monstrous, but running the numbers in my head, it looks to be about eight foot square (roughly). Not too bad size-wise, and you've got a bit of running variability here with two reverse loops.

It will, however, be a bit tough if you use manual turnouts. You'll be running side-to-side to throw them.

Yes the platform will be 8x9.  It's the biggest I can get in the room (allowing for space on the front and sides) I am using for the Standard gauge layout.

@BenLMaggi posted:

Watch the overhang of the trains on the curved portions of the layout, because you sure have a lot of curves! I know with scale trains (HO, O, etc.) you want to avoid "S" curves as much as possible, but your layout has several places where the track forms an "S" shape. I assume that this isn't a problem for standard gauge trains?

What I am looking for in the overhangs? 

@Mallard4468 posted:

It looks like you'll have some reach issues on the inner portions of the layout unless you add some access hatches.

Ha, that is not an issue as I am 5'8 , 120lbs, hehe.  Plus this is going to be a very simple standard gauge layout, like from the 1930's.  Just green outdoor carpet, track, building and lights, no real scenery to do, tubular track, no ballast.  I want it to look toy like.  Nothing like my O gauge layout. 

In your WTB post I see you are thinking of a Blue Comet engine. Are you going to be running passenger cars with that? If so how many passenger cars will your reversing loop accommodate? I’m not sure its going to be long enough.

Good question as I don't know the lengths as I am new to standard gauge.  The Blue comet has 3 cars in the main set and 2 add-ons.  So minimum 3 cars behind it.  But until I get it I won't know for sure I guess.  Each curve on the inner side is 15" in length plus the straights in the loops give me about 105" of length.  Good think to think about though.  Thanks!

Sean, i would rethink it… once you reverse a train on either RL there is no way to get it back without backing up the entire train.

Yes, Tom Tee is correct, you can reverse in either direction. Looks like a fun track plan, although I would definitely want a separate independent loop, so an upper level as the OP mentioned. Also, watch the overhang on the curves as others also pointed out. Those curved are very close to each other.

You may want to keep it a simple loop but with two passing sidings . This way you can have two trains to choose from without removing them . Plus each can face the opposite direction for a little variety.  And I would set up a simple oval on an elevated line .  One more thing , I would see if you could use a few 054 curves from USA TRACK for the back section of the lower loop .  I do believe you would be able to use them .   Good luck with your project and keep us posted . Cheers .

You may want to keep it a simple loop but with two passing sidings . This way you can have two trains to choose from without removing them . Plus each can face the opposite direction for a little variety.  And I would set up a simple oval on an elevated line .  One more thing , I would see if you could use a few 054 curves from USA TRACK for the back section of the lower loop .  I do believe you would be able to use them .   Good luck with your project and keep us posted . Cheers .

Thanks for the input! Nothing is set in Stone Yet.  Definitely want some type of elevated line too.


Still trying to play with track plan.  I was back and forth on the room to use.  But I made a decision finally.

Came up with a few more ideas.  This is a simple toy train layout, not a scale O gauge layout.

Tried searching for track plans but not much to choose from.

Platform will be 7x10.  Thats the max size to allow people to walk on 2 of the sides.

Which one do you guys like best?

Plan 2 - Not my favorite, but this can reverse. Can only 1 run train at a time unless I add an elevated loop.

No great place for my Hellgate bridge.

Because of my restricted length had to make one side smaller to fit it in the space.

Track Plan 2

Plan 3 - I like this one but train cannot reverse, one direction only. Requires a lot of switches (8) which are impossible to find as MTH is only one that made 42 switches new.

Track Plan 3

Plan 4 - Similar to Plan 3, except 2 separate loops can run 2 trains at a time. Also saves 4 switches which are super hard to find!  Cannot reverse trains.

Track Plan 4

Plan 5 - 2 separate loops, only 2 switches needed!  Cannot reverse trains.

Track Plan 5


Images (4)
  • Track Plan 2
  • Track Plan 3
  • Track Plan 4
  • Track Plan 5
@Mallard4468 posted:

IIRC, you are looking for Blue Comet and State sets.  42" curves are already very tight for those cars; pulling them through S-curves is likely to lead to derailments.   

I have the Blue comet set and have been testing it out on carpet with S curves, no issues so far.  All the modern stuff is made for 42 curves, so not seeing any issue yet.  

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