I’ve decided to build a small layout in the basement! I want someplace to run trains other than the floor, or the loop around the top of our bedposts...
I have decided on a few “preferences”, and my housing situation presents a few hard rules.
We will start with the rules. The layout must be portable, and the sections must be able to fit up the basement stairs. I cannot have something that requires hours of saber-saw work to remove, so sections must unbolt easily. I have a small bedroom sized area to work with, so no wide curves.
Next, the preferences. I will be using Fastrack. Atlas track is tempting, but more expensive and more labor-intensive due to ballasting... GG/Ross also has the ballast issue, and I’ve tried to bend GG track and I just can’t get it smooth. Tubular is dirt cheap, but just doesn’t look realistic enough for me... so Fastrack it is!
Minimum radius will be O-36 due to space issues. Everything I have now runs great on O-36, and if I happen to get rich all of a sudden (not likely) and buy stuff that requires wider curves I can just run it at the club...
Finally, track plan and scenery... I want continuous running, so there will be oval(s) or reverse loops. I also want some sort of switching opportunities, so there will be sidings with industries... I don’t know if I want around-the-walls with reverse loops, or a table in the middle of the room... Scenery will be realistic, but somewhat basic, probably a generic midwesternish somewhat flat theme... I’m not gonna pick any particular era, although my preference in real trains is late steam. I’ve found that small-town-appropriate buildings look good with anything from early 1900’s steam right up to (relatively) modern diesels.
Well, I’m headed off to the drawing table...