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Good Morning All and Happy Saint Patricks Day. I will start with some pictures of the new model room. Its a far cry from what I had before but it will allow me to produce the same quality of work I have done in the past. It will hopefully be ready to move into by next weekend. The first picture is the temporary set up in the bedroom. Lets see what you have been working on.20240317_06461820240317_06463620240317_06453420240317_064517


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My good friend and I talk about your talent and ingenuity so very often when you post your work on the scenic forum. And each time he sees my layout photos with your work displayed he brings it up again.
I have been waiting for you to develop your new production room.  And now it’s happening
New great creations are in the near future.

Enjoy creating your new production room my friend….


I'm glad to see you customizing your new work space to make it more conducive to the magic. When it's all said and done you will have everything you need around you and won't have to go far to get it. That is a plus as it relates to efficiency and time. I'm sure we will see some of your best work come from all of the things you have learned and this new space you're in.

Cheers my friend,


Alan, can't wait to see the "shop" when finished. I echo the feelings of the rest of your followers..... your work is amazing! I have been out of town, but spent some time working on the new Mill placement. I will have some photos maybe next week. Also, trying out some new bridge weathering materials and painting some track to finally look real! Have a good week!


Alan, I don't know what there is new to say, but I too am a big fan of yours.  I also have to have my work room neat, clean, and well organized.  That is something one of my early bosses stressed and I have never forgot it.  Your skills and attention to detail is inspiring to watch.  Thanks for sharing on this forum.

All the best, Art

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