IT's SWITCHER SATURDAY MARK 2 6/28/2020 Edition
I'm filling in for JHZ 563, our regular host, who is off today. I answered his request to fill in for him today and am happily doing so this morning. So here we go out onto the main as I notch out the throttle this morning .. LOL!
This post is about all things switcher, those small locomotives that do BIG things and are really the backbone of most railroads real and model. Feel free to post photos, videos, and information regarding switching locomotives and/or operations. Basically, we'd love to see anything switcher related
Here are the rules:
1.) Be kind.
2. ) Posting photos must follow the Terms of Service of the OGR Online Forum. Make sure that the photos you post are yours and if not ... make sure you have permission of the owner before posting any photos that do not belong to you.
3.) Enjoy!
Today on the Free State Junction Railway located in Patsburg, Maryland I have photos of Maryland Short Line Switchers doing there thing. I took these photos last night. In the interest of getting this thread rolling sooner than later, I'll post a few photos now then circle back later and post more.
Have a delightful weekend everyone!! Be safe and be well!!