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Having torn down the old layout I'm getting ready for the new tin plate layout construction. I'm trying to use my Lionel hallgate bridge with the two 0gauge track option. This puts the two tracks 3.5" apart on center. That's really tight, so I did a test on the ping-pong table. I'm finding that bigger engines (260 or 263) on the inner circle overhang enough that they'll bash passenger cars passing on the outer loop. Right now I have 42" curves on the inner and 54" turns on the outer.


I could alter the design so i have one 72" curved section to start the turn on the inner loop, I checked and this will avoid the crashes, but it doesn't make of the nicest looking curves and loses the nice parallel in the two loops on those back curves.


Or, I could bend those straight aways slightly, increasing the space between the two lines. I'm using Lionel tinplate track, so this is doable. This makes the straight section of the track look a bit sketchy.


Anybody have other solutions to this issue? Anybody experience the bashing of passing trains?





13x10_final [?)


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  • 13x10_final (?)
Original Post

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Tim -


I'm running a double-tracked 305 Hellgate, and I haven't run into the problem.  I have an inner loop with O-31 curves and outer with O-42.  I start the O-31 curves just a hair before the O-42 curves...true, it opens up the gap between the tracks slightly, but I've never had anything side-swiped.  Now I don't run a 255E/260E/263E (don't have one), but I run plenty of 2800-series freights and some of the larger coaches behind 253 and 254E's.


Here's a look at the curve at the northern end off my Hellgate...I think it's tolerable in appearance.  That said, my track-plan is considerably simpler than yours, and making this change may cause havoc with yours.





Now, I have a set of Williams scale Pullmans, and that's carnage...





Images (1)
  • Tinplate: Lakeshore Ltd

I like your tinplate-style plan. I'm thinking you have enough space for O72/O54 compound curves in those back corners, which would allow more space between tracks on the curves while still maintaining approximately concentric radii. I haven't reworked your entire plan to make everything else fit but maybe this will give you some ideas.


Hellgate plan-a


Left side of plan shows your original arrangement; at right is my variation. The straight run has 3.5" between tracks. I'm estimating that you need about 4.5" between tracks on the back curves, although the details will depend on your equipment.


Images (1)
  • Hellgate plan-a
Last edited by Ace

I will need to buy or locate either,  O42, or O72, I have 054 already in hand.

 Plan on running a Blue Comet in 1 direction, and a Penn central in opposite direction , around a 10 x 10 room around ceiling , using  15 inch wide shelving.

Do the compound curves offer a more ease of movement. Did not think about this

idea, as this is the 1ST double track I have ever done !!  IF due to space the O72 compound is to wide, then it doesnt matter to me but would I use O42 and O36

thanks !

tO ACE-- your design for the compound curves is something I intend to use

 1) I don t have my O72, here yet

 2) I am planning on going around the ceiling, 

 3) would like to use this week end time and cut the corner boards out,

     but ,  I need the length, from the 90 degree corner, to either end of the outside

    last O72 curve piece,

 4) Lowes closet corners are no where near big enough to handle the vastness of

      the curves, 

I you have a minute,  this is the 1st ever double track I have laid, so trying to be sure I get it right,  I am going to combine the closet racking on the straights



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