Which roadbed to use? How about "most of the above"! Rossbed under the switches, 3" gray foam on the main line, reversing loop, and adjacencies, cork on the arrival/departure tracks and the non-constant radius curves into the yard, and Woodland under the yard tracks. Why? First, I wanted to use up the cork and Woodland products I had lying around from abandoned module construction projects. Second, I wanted the yard track roadbed to be lower and thinner. Third, Rossbed for the switches is just waaaay easier than fabbing ad-libbed switch pads out of cork or foam. Pix sequence is bare roadbed, then painted, then tracked. Ballast and rail edge painting will follow after it's all checked out electrically. Nice to get the yard laid down. Now back to benchwork for the 2nd horseshoe loop and lower level section of the main line.
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