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Hello Club Members, 

My name is Allan and I'm very new with no experience in Model Railroading, but I'm willing to learn. Is Tortoise (slow motion) Switch Machines the closest thing to a real prototypical switch track? 

Is there a video anywhere or does anyone know how to install a Tortoise Switch Machine onto a Lionel Fastrack 0-72 Switch Track? This is so I can use tall & dwarf switch signal post & towers. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my questions and I hope to hear from someone soon. 


Allan Martinez 

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So, you don't like the "snap" or the lantern?

You can remove the rear base plate (put all of the little screws where they won't run away) 

remove the two screws that hold the lantern base on. Remove it. There is the throw bar end for the tortoise wire.

I would also remove the motor from the mount to free up the mechanism and tape it to the inside of the base.

You now have a manual switch. The throw bar can be located on either side.

Use the hole blockers to fill in the roadbed.

Remove the jumper tab for track power near the connectors if one is installed.

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