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I am also considering using the "Black Track Tack" roadbed from ScenicExpress.  I am also wondering if anyone has any experience with it.  I would like to use it with MTH Scaletrax on top of 2" foam.  It seems ideal, but I would like to know how it works with foam... with curves... with turnouts.  Hopefully someone has some experience.

I've not tried the black tack roadbed, but double sided carpet tape will give the same results on any subroadbed/roadbed combo. Just be careful as it can actually grab too hard and makes taking things up again a challenge. I laid an S scale layout 4 years ago with carpet tape and it is still stuck just as good as the day I laid it. I've also used it with FasTrack and Gargraves. It really speeds up track laying. I've never met anyone else outside of my friends that use carpet tape. You may want to give it a try. It is really cost effective compared to other alternatives too.



Thanks for your response.  My layout consists of 0.75" plywood covered by 2" foam.  It might be overkill, but I really hope to cut the noise down and I also plan on sculpturing the foam for scenery.  I hope you don't mind my asking a number of questions.


When you say that taking it up was a challenge, did you have any problems such as it hurting the track or the subfloor (in my case the foam)?


Did you still need to use nails or screws to secure the track?


Were you able to make positional adjustments of the tack and track easily?


Did you lay ballast and, if you did, did it cause any problems (laying and gluing the ballast?


How did you handle turnouts?  Any problems with switching?


I hadn't though of carpet tape.  It's probably much cheaper than Black Track Tack.  Again, Thanks for your response and any answers you can provide.

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