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Does anyone use Gargraves track&switches? I'm all knew to O scale&am looking at track. I bought a 0-72 wye from Atlas&it's okay,but Gargraves is 1/2 the price,pretty close&looks good. I'm going to be controling my switches with Caboose Industry ground throws&their manual switches come with them installed. Atlas tie design looks more prototypical as far as detail,though.

I'm coming from HO&used Tomar track derailers to protect mainline tracks from runaway traffic. I don't find any of these in O scale,does anyone know of someone that makes such a product?

Thanks to everyone for their input.


Original Post

Haven't seen any other than a couple that were scratch built. One of our members played around with a scrap piece of Atlas track and made a derail by slicing the rail at an oblique angle and putting a throw bar and ground throw on it. It actually worked pretty well but we didn't have a need to put one in the layout.


You could use parts of a broken turnout and splice them into a track section to make one. You might be also able to get some switch points from Ross Custom Switches for this purpose.


We used Gargraves track when we built the club layout and use Ross turnouts (much better quality).  New track alignments have been done with Atlas track, but we still use Ross turnouts.

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