So sorry to read about this on the Forum this morning!!!!
Benny, you were so gracious in letting Sue and myself come and see the clubs layout on that Saturday afternoon, when we were in New Jersey earlier this year. Then you let me "test run" my new MTH RailKing SD-40 diesel that I just picked up that morning from Pat over at E-Z Catch Trains on Staten Island, even putting smoke fluid in it for me, to test the smoke output.
We were joined by Mark Spadaro, and later by Bob Shipley (birthday boy), both very good friends I have made on the OGR Forum.
You guys are just the greatest, and I wish you the best of luck in finding somewhere else to set-up again. I have never seen, or been able to operate my trains on such a grand layout.....we have nothing even close to that here in Australia.
All the best Ben from your two friends from "down-under"
Peter......Buco Australia.