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A good time was had by all.  I was surprised there weren't more people there, but we did have plenty.  Company and food were great, it's a sad day for the layout.  The good news is, they're already in negotiation for a new building for the revival of the NJ-HR.

Yeah John. My brother and I got there just a little after 12, I saw you were over by what was the kitchen and Done Klose was seated where we came in. I said hi to Don(and got to chat with him a bit later), and we made our way to the can. We started our tour after that, got called to lunch(red tickets) not far after that. I didn't see you after so either you were back looking at the layout, or popped out. We left around 2.

We (my son and I) joined after a show last year.  We are in the DC metro so we cannot go as often as we would like, but each time we go we enjoy the great layout, friendly membership, and the wonderful hospitality.  While change is never easy, I am confident that this great group of people will make it work in a new location.  

Safe travels home everyone.

@Apples55 posted:

And on the whimsical side… Kevin (aka @Amfleet25124) when he has to transfer to the bridge bus when his commuter train gets discombobulated…

Paul, thank you the diecast 1964 New York World's Fair bus.  Here is the photo that we took together today. At least I remembered to take this one.  Forgot to take photos with @RSJB18 and others.



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So my club was not able to attend today but we arranged for a visit in a few weeks to say goodbye to the largest O gauge layout in the country and hearing encouraging words on their future location. We are their “ little brother-sister” train club in Central/South Jersey.

We have something to give you for your club but that check was for our 50 year lease agreement with the town. Lol! You cannot have that one but we have one for your club.
See you guys soon.
The Ocean County Society of Model Railroaders Lakewood,NJ.



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Thank you to the NJHR for their hospitality today. Finally got my grandson, 17,  there today. He spent hours taking everything in, making mental notes. Talking with members about what he was seeing. On the way home, he thanked me for taking him and discussing how we could incorporate some things he saw into our layout. Been wanting to get him there for years, finally did. Although now, he really wants to add a Big Boy to the stable of locomotives 🚂…

So my club was not able to attend today but we arranged for a visit in a few weeks to say goodbye to the largest O gauge layout in the country and hearing encouraging words on their future location. We are their “ little brother-sister” train club in Central/South Jersey.

We have something to give you for your club but that check was for our 50 year lease agreement with the town. Lol! You cannot have that one but we have one for your club.
See you guys soon.
The Ocean County Society of Model Railroaders Lakewood,NJ.


Hmmm, it’s a bit suspect if that signature is any good!  Being a Rangers fan and all. Tsk.

A good time was had by all.  I was surprised there weren't more people there, but we did have plenty.  Company and food were great, it's a sad day for the layout.  The good news is, they're already in negotiation for a new building for the revival of the NJ-HR.

Sorry I missed you John. Hopefully next time. The place was pretty packed when we got there shortly after Noon.

Ben said the new location is a little further west off of Rt 80. And much easier to get to than snaking through the lovely neighborhoods of Patterson.......


I don't know as many people as some who have posted but enjoyed the conversations and my last visit to this space.  This club has to be the most welcoming group around.  The streets of Paterson remain a challenge I will not miss.  I do hope the one guest who discovered his car missing was able to work out something.

@necrails posted:

I do hope the one guest who discovered his car missing was able to work out something.

Didn't hear about that one, that's a bummer!  I too hope they don't leave with that as their last memory of a great club!  I came with several other people in one car, we parked in the fenced parking lot around 9:15.  The car was still there when we got out, so I guess that model of Honda is hard to steal.   I confess, I was actually a little reluctant to park my 1 month old car in Patterson, so I'm glad I had a ride to the location this time.

I'ts bittersweet for me. I remember when the Nortwest Jersey Highrailers were at the Dover. NJ show recruiting people for this club. I was there for the first Trainstock and now the last  Trainstck in Patterson. I herd from Alex M the big  NYC landmark buildings may not all be on the new layout which will be closer for me to visit.



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Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
@RSJB18 posted:

Sorry I missed you John. Hopefully next time. The place was pretty packed when we got there shortly after Noon.

Ben said the new location is a little further west off of Rt 80. And much easier to get to than snaking through the lovely neighborhoods of Patterson.......

Yep, by noon everyone was packed into the eating end, it was pretty crowded at that point.   I agree about getting to their new location, I did hear that they didn't have much parking, I hope they can deal with that issue.

Didn't hear about that one, that's a bummer!  I too hope they don't leave with that as their last memory of a great club!  I came with several other people in one car, we parked in the fenced parking lot around 9:15.  The car was still there when we got out, so I guess that model of Honda is hard to steal.   I confess, I was actually a little reluctant to park my 1 month old car in Patterson, so I'm glad I had a ride to the location this time.

Driver was on the street around the corner,  mine was a few spots behind where his would have been.  There were no signs prohibiting parking.  Hope it worked out.

Hi Ben, Vinny, and all the rest of the NJ Hi-Railers,

Thank you all for an outstanding Trainstock 16 yesterday. As we have at all of them in the past, Kathie and I had a great time (even though she had to sit some of it out due to her hip replacement three weeks ago). If this is to be the last Trainstock, you folks sure went out with a bang! Fellowship, food, trains, and music to boot. Nothing compares to Trainstock.

We wish you the best in whatever the future holds for the club; hopefully, that former rec center in Boonton will pan out. Regardless, I'm sure you'll make the best of your new home.

Stay well and happy training.

Chris (and Kathie, too)

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