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Hi all,

Super Bowl party is over and guests were duly informed that they had the last look at my layout before it all comes down for the permanent installation.  Still fairly new to the OGR forums, but wanted to share my situation for any suggestions. It's been a great learning experience on this forum as well as 2 others: Hi Rail, O27, and Tradition 3R O Gauge; and Scenery and Structures.  So here's a brief description of my situation.

I included a photo of a fairly unique room arrangement, similar to my teen years. Half wall provides ease of viewing and access to interior of layout (from both sides). Will include a hinged lift-up section at doorway (proud to have built a successful one as a teen).  Was excited about the powered unit by Mainne Benchwork, but the cost may preclude this. 

Because I want to run trains not just showcase them, I have 3 main lines (2 upper and 1 lower), with several staging lines. Spent over a year with this temporary layout making sure of clearances, functionality, viewing, and reviving classic vintage Lionel operating accessories.  Had most of this from teen years, but added some modern TMCC units and one Proto unit along the way (lots of fun trips to TCA meets at York).  Want to engage the grandkids so have most accessories in places for them to see and operate...but not everything to preserve some sensitive items. May also replace some vintage locos with LionelChief + units so they can operate them easily.  Have some fantasy features as well just for fun.  Still have the kid in me!

Intend to have four seasons. Must have a snowy Christmas scene, logging area, rocket launching area, and active harbor.  Station with upper platform will mimic home town on LIRR.  

I am fine with benchwork, electrical, and maintaining rolling stock and accessories, but my weak area is scenery. Teen layout was on typical plywood with grass mat.  So after the current layout comes down, first step is backdrop. That's when the fun begins.  Been doing lots of reading for all of this, and having lots of fun following Jim Barrett's articles on his layout construction. Even met him at York!

Expect the process with take 1-2 years. We spend our summers in cottage in Canada, so no time then to work in this. Thought that posting this process would provide sound advice from the experts out there. I'm sure I will have lots of questions along this journey.

I look forward to your guidance.


Michael Pags





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