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Hello everyone,

Relatively new to this forum. Thought I'd share some of my 5x9 FasTrack layouts. I'm casual CAD user and I created some of the more typical track/curves available and started messing around with different layouts. It sure helped me to create on paper, what I needed to connect on the table - as far as determining what size track, curve, etc. to use.

enjoy - feedback is welcome, thanks.

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Wow.  There's some very nice geometry going on in a small space. Well done. I was considering a ping pong table to get the trains off the floor and so older folks could enjoy them better.  And, also for easy portability and storage.  Roughly, how much does a ping pong table weigh?  You've got me thinking about it again, OC Patrick.

Thanks for posting.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Hi Tomlinsonrunrr,

tables can weigh roughly from 50-100# depending on the material of the table itself. my brother and I had to load up our table from my parents house - it is made of particle board with wheels. today's tables are much lighter, but I wouldn't recommend placing a layout directly on a high-end table like Stiga or Kettler. our's is an old Porter - plus we don't play ping pong anymore.


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