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During our open house yesterday the local newspaper, The Courier Post, came by to photograph the layout and compile a story for today's edition.

Here is a link to their web page: (credit: Courier Post)
Courier Post Video

We had a great turnout! Additional dates are today and next weekend.
Our thanks to the photographer and reporter. Enjoy!
Original Post

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the photographer was actually quite professional. he took a lot of great still photos. he intends to come back with his kids.

when he asked about shooting video, his camera could not fit on the flatcar at the head of the train facing forward. it was too wide and would get side-swiped by the other equipment we were running. undaunted, he didn't mind the side view mounting, he wanted good video that much.

I haven't seen the print edition yet, but I'll bet there are some good still shots in it.

Matt, yes bellies, butts and kids. hopefully you got an overview of the entire room.
Hello Gents,

Today was a good day for Cherry Valley. Due to coverage from The Courier, we had in attendance close to 250 people. Everything ran flawlessly to the end. Some people remember coming to CV many years ago when they were much younger and noted how much has changed from long ago. We have been working for quite a few years to arrive at this point. An old layout was torn down and replaced in 10 years. We've installed a 2 track mainline with roughly 300 feet in each direction. Between yards, branch lines, and the mainline, there is roughly 2000 feet of track. We've installed several yards for staging trains onto the mainline. There must be over 150 turnouts on the railroad with more to be added later when we install several more industry sidings. DCC and DC were installed with several boosters to power this railroad. We are now to the point where we are installing sidings where industries are being added to add operation to the layout. Caternary is being installed over the mainline and yards. And yes, the overhead is powered and operational. Also, scenery is being added as needed. There are many people that have come and gone in the last several years, but the group we have now is dedicated to building a quality railroad. We have one more weekend of open house before we start another round of construction. And then we prepare for our March open house and swap meet. I invite anybody that would like to attend to do so and we will do our best to make you feel at home.

Tom Mapes
Very nice!

It was certainly a different ride on the camera. I recognize a possible bad order track joint or switch frog somewhere in the middle by the way the camera bounced.

I did enjoy some of the new construction and the Sunset Q4 and it's 7 cars of course. The PRR's electrified boxcabs were another Sunset product right? Are those driven from overhead wire or were they via track.

I also noticed everyone piled up at the one yard in the middle. Someone planned ahead to have large space for people.

I enjoyed the video visit, looking forward to more in the future.
Hey Everybody,

Thank you all for your positive comments. I have to tell you the coverage from the press was completely unnounced, so everything you saw was unrehearsed. The camera tour was a last minute add-lib because the camera was too large to face front but toured the entire mainline facing the outer (westbound) track. Some of the scenes were really "behind the scenes" as we haven't landscaped a lot of the railroad yet. Please excuse out appearance. It will improve.
Thank you for your interest and support. Please continue to visit us, as you will always see improvements & additions to the railroad.
Next weekend is our last open house of the season, so if you haven't visited us yet, please do so. We are open Saturday from 12PM to 6PM and Sunday Noon to 4PM.
See you then!!

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