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@CurtisH what layout design software are you using?  I've used RR-Track and SCARM, neither one seemed to have a default, preset, or any kind of facility for setting the curves a minimum distance from the wall (or layout edge.)  And it would be more convenient if they did!  What am I missing??

Obviously the answer to the original poster's question depends on the equipment, and the size of curve you're using. 

I've been wondering about a 773 Hudson on Atlas O36 myself.  I know the cab roof overhangs quite a bit, especially when running in reverse.  Problem is, all my stuff is boxed up and buried so I can't make an empirical measurement.

Ted S posted:

@CurtisH what layout design software are you using?  I've used RR-Track and SCARM, neither one seemed to have a default, preset, or any kind of facility for setting the curves a minimum distance from the wall (or layout edge.)  And it would be more convenient if they did!  What am I missing??

Obviously the answer to the original poster's question depends on the equipment, and the size of curve you're using. 

I've been wondering about a 773 Hudson on Atlas O36 myself.  I know the cab roof overhangs quite a bit, especially when running in reverse.  Problem is, all my stuff is boxed up and buried so I can't make an empirical measurement.

Somewhere I picked up a 4.5 inch clearance when I was doing my track plan (no Software was used as I did it freehand on graph paper which I DO NOT recommend). I remember calling MTH for the big boy clearance which was 3.? ( I think 25 but can not remember). I did NOT have proper clearances along walls as I laid Atlas 21st Century O track by putting a 4' level on it's side and sliding to wall then putting track tight to it. Simply pulled the level out and straight track. Only later did I find that some of my trains hit the wall coming off the turns on the end. That is when I called to get the measurement of overhang of a big boy. Also found the 4.5 measurement but can not remember where although I think it was Atlas Software in the documentation. At my age I wear my name on my shirt to remember who I am not to look like a uniform, so I definitely have trouble remembering back to 2014. LOL

Ted S posted:
I've been wondering about a 773 Hudson on Atlas O36 myself.  I know the cab roof overhangs quite a bit, especially when running in reverse.  Problem is, all my stuff is boxed up and buried so I can't make an empirical measurement.

O-36 is my minimum mainline curve. I have 2.75" on the outside of the curve, and 2.5" on the inside. That lets me run the scale hudsons, 15-inch aluminum cars, and anything else Lionel made, up to about 1990. I have not tested Lionel's scale engines from the early '90s - the 2-8-2s, 4-8-2s, and 4-8-4s (tho, of these, only the 2-8-2s are rated for O-31 anyway).

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