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Originally posted by Mega-Steam:

"Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house..." A Very Merry Christmas to all of our customers, future customers, and friends from this forum. May everyone have a Very Happy New Year!

Your friends at JT's Mega-Steam


Thats a great photo! Merry Christmas!

I read the thread by Tommys_trains and I truly enjoyed the story. I can only imagine when my dad got his train set for Christmas in 1946, at the age of 5. My Grandfather bought it at Higbees in downtown Cleveland (Lionel 2101W set)and also some 2440s passenger cars, which disinegrated. I still have his set and it is the only train I will never give up do to my memories of it running around the Christmas tree in the early 70's. My dad gave it to me about 7 or 8 years ago. That's what got me started in this mess! Smile It was in pieces, and I put it back together and it runs great! My 9 year old daughter will eventually get it. I told her never to sell it, just pass it on to a family member. I am currently putting another set for my other daughter to pass down as well. Every tree needs a train. Here is my Dad's...

Anyone else have pics of there first train for Christmas for the Christmas edition?

Chris, Merry Christmas1
Great photos have a Merry Christmas everyone and thanks always for posting such interesting photos.
The photo above must be the new Lionel house with built in lights looked good in the Catalogue but really nice on the layout!

Picked up some new locos on sale to pull the Circus train on the kids layout bright and look good with the Circus train;

Night time on the Christmas layout;

A shot of most of the Christmas layout night time.
Will try to get some lit photos of the trains later on and post.
"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care" (From "Twas the Night Before Christmas" by Clement Moore, 1822):

On December 10-11, 2011, the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh held its second annual "Locomotion Weekend." Following are some of the pix I took. I didn't get a lot of good shots due to the big crowds there that Saturday.

The MRRV's Lionel Vision PRR engine rolls past Patty (MiniRR) Rogers' wonderful model of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater:

Managed to catch three trains in this shot Smile :

There were many model train-related displays and layouts spread throughout the building, including O, S, and HO modular clubs, the TCA, Scenic Express (one of this forum's great sponsors), the Lionel tower displays and a couple small O gauge displays, including the following compact Polar Express layout that was on loan from Len's Train Shop:

If you look closely, you can figure out the track plan of this clever little layout. Who says that you can only do simple loops or simple figure-eight plans in a small space? Big Grin

Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish forumites!

Christmas round 1 happened today. My grandparent's came over and I got four new freight cars.

Lionel NS Conrail Heritage tank car (matches my Lionmaster CR SD80MAC well)

My first two weaver cars, a PM hopper and a N&W trailer on flat car

And a K-Line Ford Steel Coil Car

I also have the new Lionel "Jacob's Pharmacy" building coming whenever Lionel ships them.
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!...

This is my brother-in-law's lionel from either 1949 or 1950...he turned it over to me earlier this year for safe just needed a little oil and the burshes clean still runs like a top!...and i thought a black and white version of the picture was the way to go...

i just want to tell you how much i look forward to clicking onto the forum several times a day...always something to see and's like a new model railroad magazine everytime you turn around...

my very best regards... in sunny, warm and a little humid north florida...
One of our members, Jim Caccavo, is a professional photographer, author, and artist -- a true Renaissance man. He did a hand-painted backdrop on the North wall of the layout which includes the moon and stars which glow when hit with an ultraviolet light. "That other publication" posted a cropped and mis-captioned version of this photo. Jim has since sent me a copy for the holidays.

Some of you may have seen the YouTube I did last year ("Surprise in the Woods at AGHR") regarding the "still scene." The scene was done by Dave O'Connor featuring a scratch-built still complete with flickering fire. The musicians are modified figures with instruments, 'shine jugs and other articles added. "That other publication" referred to it as a hobo camp.
A look at the year that was 2011. Merry Christmas to all from Dave Allen, The O Gauge Guy down under.

My contribution to my new club's layout.

The 18 class Jinty, The O Gauge Guy's first exclusive release.

My first attempt at building a layout with scenery.

Merry Christmas fellow forumites, from Dave Down Under. Smile
Originally posted by FIREMANCHRIS:
Here is my Dad's...

Anyone else have pics of there first train for Christmas for the Christmas edition?

Chris, Merry Christmas1

Here's my Dad's....

My Grandfather bought the 2046 and a 2025 sets, not sure on the set numbers, at the old Hobby House that was on Huron Ave a few blocks away from the old Higbee's. Merry Christmas!

Originally posted by Serows1:
Originally posted by FIREMANCHRIS:
Here is my Dad's...

Anyone else have pics of there first train for Christmas for the Christmas edition?

Chris, Merry Christmas1

Here's my Dad's....

My Grandfather bought the 2046 and a 2025 sets, not sure on the set numbers, at the old Hobby House that was on Huron Ave a few blocks away from the old Higbee's. Merry Christmas!


Here is my first engine from my NYC flyer set my dad bought me when I was 3 (13 years ago, the collection has grown quite a bit since then)

And my grandpa's childhood engines (also my dads after that)

Lionel 2037 from a 1513S set made in 1954

And the 2055 he later got from his uncle as an add on for the original set (I've gotten all the cars to make a 1503WS steam set to match it)
Originally posted by SantaFe158:
Christmas round 1 happened today. My grandparent's came over and I got four new freight cars.

Lionel NS Conrail Heritage tank car (matches my Lionmaster CR SD80MAC well)

I am hoping the same car find its way under my tree. I have the Conrail Heritage SD-70ACE, caboose, and hopper. I need the tank care and I got the whole set Smile


Originally posted by yankspride4:
Originally posted by SantaFe158:
Christmas round 1 happened today. My grandparent's came over and I got four new freight cars.

Lionel NS Conrail Heritage tank car (matches my Lionmaster CR SD80MAC well)

I am hoping the same car find its way under my tree. I have the Conrail Heritage SD-70ACE, caboose, and hopper. I need the tank care and I got the whole set Smile



I highly recommend it. It's really a nice looking car and it looks great behind my SD80MAC. I also noticed after about 30 minutes of running that it has the rotating bearing caps. My first car with that feature which is pretty cool. The trucks are painted the same dark blue as the frame (which I think all the cars have)
Originally posted by lehighline:
Great shots, everyone! Merry Christmas!

Mike, Love the hit and miss engines! Where did you find them?


Thank you for the compliment.
The small building is a kit listed as Ministructs by:
Hyde Systems, Inc.
I got it from Martin B (mwb) here on the forum.

The two green Heavy Electric Motors are from:
Crow River Products
PO. Box 2092
Pawtucket, RI 02861
Required clean up and assembly

The Rest is from BTS as kits requiring assembly.
Hand truck
Stover engine.
#16 Challenge Pump
#10767 Large crate
#10768 Medium crate (2)
#13013 Pallets (16)
#13018 Logger (Picnic) Table. (not shown)
#13020 Sawhorse, Heavy-duty Pkg of (4)
#13014 Board fence (not shown) 90 scale feet of 6 ft fence.
Originally posted by c.sam:
Santa's helpers have loaded several large crates onto flatcars and heading to the NC mountains..............................

We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if they make it to the tree in the living room!

A long way from home in North Carolina though it would look really good on the roads of Cades Cove, Great Smokey Mountains National Park.
Another one made it to Pennsylvania.

I believe there are 33 of these. One has been museum preserved and 32 1936 and 1939 White model 706 17 passenger van, refurbished by Ford still operate Glacier National/Waterton Lakes Parks.
This is my first Weekend Photo Fun submission. Ive been working on my garage layout for 3 years, and between the heat, family health issues, and unemployment, I havent gotten as far as I wish, but here are a few shots:
A general shot:

An unfinished area I spruced up for Christmas:

A Wonder Bread "Bakery":

My Grandfather is Elmer L. Cline...He's the one who came up with the name and design for Wonder Bread, so this is a special piece on my layout which I just finished. My Mom who is 90 years old, his Daughter, will see it for the 1st time tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to everyone here on the OGR Forum. I don't post much, but I read, learn, and admire everyone's work all the time.
Last edited by Chuck B
A Wonder Bread "Factory":

My Grandfather is Elmer L. Cline...He's the one who came up with the name and design for Wonder Bread, so this is a special piece on my layout which I just finished. My Mom who is 90 years old, his Daughter, will see it for the 1st time tomorrow.

Chuck B - Very nice layout! You need to post more often. I too am an old CBC guy and love your "factory" or as we would call it a "bakery". I was thrilled to see the modern Wonder Bread sign from Miller. I have plans to build a model of a Wonder Bread/Hostess Cake bakery and this sign will greatly add to it. The biggest problem is getting accurate looking and sized semis and delivery trucks.

Great layout, thanks for sharing.

Chuck B - Very nice layout! You need to post more often. I too am an old CBC guy and love your "factory" or as we would call it a "bakery". I was thrilled to see the modern Wonder Bread sign from Miller. I have plans to build a model of a Wonder Bread/Hostess Cake bakery and this sign will greatly add to it. The biggest problem is getting accurate looking and sized semis and delivery trucks.

Great layout, thanks for sharing.


Art - Thanks for the kind words, and I changed my wording to "bakery" Don't know what I was thinking Smile I agree about the vehicles, I just printed something off the web to have on that 10-wheeler for Christmas.
Bob, thank you for your comments. Yes I did take them back on October 8th and posted them back then. As I said then it was really a matter of luck that I happened to be there right after the snow. I, and around 10 other cars, followed the train from Chama as far as the road permitted. The road follows the tracks nicely and the train goes slow so it's easy to catch up with it.

I highly recommend riding and chasing the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad!
Originally posted by AtticTracks:
....This is a great shot and a fantastic building. Is this a kit bashed building or where did you procure it. This is a great job.

Attic Tracks, Stan


Just a police station by MTH. There are about 15(?) changes most notably the addition of the canopies supported by the chains.
Thanks to all for the comments.

Alan - For you to copy anything on my layout would be a big compliment.

wsdimenna - Thank you, coming from a scenery expert like you means a lot.

Brian - I never get tired of scenes from your Dept. 56 city and they are perfect this time of the year. Your snow outside looks pretty, but you can have my share.

Jeff - Love your daughter's driveway artwork. I hope Santa was good to her.

aubv - I agree with Stan, you did a great job on your police station, totally transformed it.

Mega Steam - Outstanding photo!

Originally posted by SantaFe158:
Christmas round 1 happened today. My grandparent's came over and I got four new freight cars.

Lionel NS Conrail Heritage tank car (matches my Lionmaster CR SD80MAC well)

My first two weaver cars, a PM hopper and a N&W trailer on flat car

And a K-Line Ford Steel Coil Car

I also have the new Lionel "Jacob's Pharmacy" building coming whenever Lionel ships them.

Nice Cars.
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