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When the time comes, I would like to glue the screws down.

I'm using Atlas black 3/4" screws going through the tie and cork roadbed.

That leaves 5/16" of the screw to go into (I'm thinking about using 1/2"

QuietBrace for a sound deadening material).

I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to put a drop of glue on the screw to

make sure it holds.


What is the best glue to use for this application ?

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Originally Posted by corvettte:

Matt, do you think white or carpenters glue will hold in the QuietBrace ?



It should, especially the carpenter's glue, but my point was that you shouldn't need it.


Also, Clifford's point is a good one. When you ballast the track, it's going to stay put without the screws unless you have some problems with your roadbed (which will give you problems if the track is screwed down to it.)

Originally Posted by corvettte:

Would anybody put down ballast without gluing it down - with the thought that when

you dismantle the layout, the problems that arise when ballast is glued down ? ? ?

Always glue down your ballast, lest it end up getting into your gears. Rather than a 50/50 water to white glue mix dribbled onto pre-wetted track with an eye dropper, we use a 75/25 water to white glue mix liberally applied to pre-wetted track. Much faster process with a solid result. See the video below with heckling by the peanut gallery.




Once ballast is glued in place, the way to remove it is to pour denatured alcohol over the track. That will eat through any glue (and paint) under or on the track and the track pulls right up. Use a fan to ventilate the room as the stuff has some really nice fumes.


We've used denatured alchol in track realignments. It will also go after the cork roadbed, but if you lay that out carefully, it will dry out. Personally, we just toss it and put down new cork.

From what I've read, as soon as you put screws through the sound absorbing layer, the screws act as a conductor and bring the sound to the plywood which you're trying to avoid in the first place. It acts as the bridge on a guitar bringing the sound of the strings to the body of the guitar. I glue my track and road and don't use any screws. I will also ballast the track which further holds everything in place.

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